
Showing posts from January, 2021

"Whether we're talking about socks or stocks, I like buying quality merchandise when it is marked down." Warren Buffett

"Whether we're talking about socks or stocks, I like buying quality merchandise when it is marked down." Warren Buffett — English Quotes (@english_quotes) February 1, 2021

"It was like a total revelation for me that a company could run like this, because I was used to these layers and bureaucracies and studies, the sort of paralysis that companies could get into, and Apple was totally different." Tim Cook

"It was like a total revelation for me that a company could run like this, because I was used to these layers and bureaucracies and studies, the sort of paralysis that companies could get into, and Apple was totally different." Tim Cook — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 31, 2021

"I should never be left alone with my mind for too long." Libba Bray

"I should never be left alone with my mind for too long." Libba Bray — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 31, 2021

"I am sure that since I have had the full use of my reason, nobody has ever heard me laugh." Lord Chesterfield

"I am sure that since I have had the full use of my reason, nobody has ever heard me laugh." Lord Chesterfield — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 30, 2021

"We want not just intelligent machines but intelligible machines; not just artificial intelligence but symbiotic intelligence." Satya Nadella

"We want not just intelligent machines but intelligible machines; not just artificial intelligence but symbiotic intelligence." Satya Nadella — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 29, 2021

"A man of sense only trifles with them, plays with them, humors and flatters them, as he does with a sprightly and forward child; but he neither consults them about, nor trusts them with, serious matters." Lord Chesterfield

"A man of sense only trifles with them, plays with them, humors and flatters them, as he does with a sprightly and forward child; but he neither consults them about, nor trusts them with, serious matters." Lord Chesterfield — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 28, 2021

"You can go anywhere if you look serious and carry a clipboard." Unknown

"You can go anywhere if you look serious and carry a clipboard." Unknown — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 27, 2021

"Opportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble." Warren Buffett

"Opportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble." Warren Buffett — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 26, 2021

"When you run a platform on scale, you have to make sure it's truly open. That way, not only do you do well, so do others." Sundar Pichai

"When you run a platform on scale, you have to make sure it's truly open. That way, not only do you do well, so do others." Sundar Pichai — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 25, 2021

Communicate with Empathy

During these difficult times, empathy can be crucial. Here's a post by @wandersick on what empathy is, its pros and cons, why it benefits ourselves and the society, and how to achieve it. Take care! ❤️ — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 24, 2021

"Everything being a constant carnival, there is no carnival left." Victor Hugo

"Everything being a constant carnival, there is no carnival left." Victor Hugo — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 24, 2021

"There is time enough for everything, in the course of the day, if you do but one thing at once; but there is not time enough in the year, if you will do two things at a time." Lord Chesterfield

"There is time enough for everything, in the course of the day, if you do but one thing at once; but there is not time enough in the year, if you will do two things at a time." Lord Chesterfield — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 23, 2021

"To stand up straight with your shoulders back is to accept the terrible responsibility of life, with eyes wide open." Jordan Peterson

"To stand up straight with your shoulders back is to accept the terrible responsibility of life, with eyes wide open." Jordan Peterson — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 22, 2021

"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." Edgar Allan Poe

"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." Edgar Allan Poe — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 21, 2021

"Price is what you pay; value is what you get." Warren Buffett

"Price is what you pay; value is what you get." Warren Buffett — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 21, 2021

"If you try to do something and fail, you are vastly better off than if you had tried nothing and succeeded." Lloyd Jones

"If you try to do something and fail, you are vastly better off than if you had tried nothing and succeeded." Lloyd Jones — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 20, 2021

"Ultimately, in the Internet, openness has always won. I cannot imagine that the current competitive environment would reverse that." Eric Schmidt

"Ultimately, in the Internet, openness has always won. I cannot imagine that the current competitive environment would reverse that." Eric Schmidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 19, 2021

"Religion is by no means a proper subject of conversation in a mixed company." Lord Chesterfield

"Religion is by no means a proper subject of conversation in a mixed company." Lord Chesterfield — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 18, 2021

"You never learn anything by doing it right." Unknown

"You never learn anything by doing it right." Unknown — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 17, 2021

"It's far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price." Warren Buffett

"It's far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price." Warren Buffett — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 16, 2021

"How can we know the dancer from the dance?" William Butler Yeats

"How can we know the dancer from the dance?" William Butler Yeats — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 15, 2021

"The countries that embrace openness do exceptional and the countries that don't, don't. It's not a matter of carving things up between sides. I'm going to encourage that calm heads prevail." Tim Cook

"The countries that embrace openness do exceptional and the countries that don't, don't. It's not a matter of carving things up between sides. I'm going to encourage that calm heads prevail." Tim Cook — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 14, 2021

"Firmness of purpose is one of the most necessary sinews of character, and one of the best instruments of success. Without it, genius wastes its efforts in a maze of inconsistencies." Lord Chesterfield

"Firmness of purpose is one of the most necessary sinews of character, and one of the best instruments of success. Without it, genius wastes its efforts in a maze of inconsistencies." Lord Chesterfield — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 14, 2021

"Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake." Napoleon Bonaparte

"Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake." Napoleon Bonaparte — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 13, 2021

"Turn on to politics, or politics will turn on you." Ralph Nader

"Turn on to politics, or politics will turn on you." Ralph Nader — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 12, 2021

"There is very little difference between the capacity for mayhem and destruction, integrated, and strength of character. This is one of the most difficult lessons of life." Jordan Peterson

"There is very little difference between the capacity for mayhem and destruction, integrated, and strength of character. This is one of the most difficult lessons of life." Jordan Peterson — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 11, 2021

"Don't watch the market closely. If they're trying to buy and sell stocks, and worry when they go down a little bit... and think they should maybe sell them when they go up, they're not going to have very good results." Warren Buffet

"Don't watch the market closely. If they're trying to buy and sell stocks, and worry when they go down a little bit... and think they should maybe sell them when they go up, they're not going to have very good results." Warren Buffet — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 10, 2021

"Let yourself feel insecure from time, it will help you grow as an individual." Sundar Pichai

"Let yourself feel insecure from time, it will help you grow as an individual." Sundar Pichai — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 9, 2021

"The world is a country which nobody ever yet knew by description; one must travel through it one's self to be acquainted with it." Lord Chesterfield

"The world is a country which nobody ever yet knew by description; one must travel through it one's self to be acquainted with it." Lord Chesterfield — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 8, 2021

"Nobody minds having what is too good for them." Jane Austen

"Nobody minds having what is too good for them." Jane Austen — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 7, 2021

"The reason I talk to myself is because I'm the only one whose answers I accept." Unknown

"The reason I talk to myself is because I'm the only one whose answers I accept." Unknown — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 7, 2021

"No one lies so boldly as the man who is indignant." Friedrich Nietzsche

"No one lies so boldly as the man who is indignant." Friedrich Nietzsche — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 6, 2021

"An investor should act as though he had a lifetime decision card with just twenty punches on it." Warren Buffet

"An investor should act as though he had a lifetime decision card with just twenty punches on it." Warren Buffet — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 5, 2021

"Men, as well as women, are much oftener led by their hearts than by their understandings." Lord Chesterfield

"Men, as well as women, are much oftener led by their hearts than by their understandings." Lord Chesterfield — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 4, 2021

"By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher." Socrates

"By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher." Socrates — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 3, 2021

"Climate change is occurring and the people who oppose it are really hurting our children and our grandchildren and making the world a much worse place. And so we should not be aligned with such people - they're just, they're just literally lying." Eric Schmidt

"Climate change is occurring and the people who oppose it are really hurting our children and our grandchildren and making the world a much worse place. And so we should not be aligned with such people - they're just, they're just literally lying." Eric Schmidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 2, 2021

"Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that who cares? He's a mile away and you've got his shoes!" Billy Connolly

"Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that who cares? He's a mile away and you've got his shoes!" Billy Connolly — English Quotes (@english_quotes) January 1, 2021