
Showing posts from July, 2024

My research confirms the common perception that liberals are experts in thinking about issues of victimization, equality, autonomy, and the rights of individuals, particularly those of minorities and nonconformists. #JonathanHaidt

My research confirms the common perception that liberals are experts in thinking about issues of victimization, equality, autonomy, and the rights of individuals, particularly those of minorities and nonconformists. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 1, 2024

Religious people suffer from depression and commit suicide in far fewer numbers than nonreligious people: that practiced faith protects them from the Uncomfortable Truth. #MarkManson

Religious people suffer from depression and commit suicide in far fewer numbers than nonreligious people: that practiced faith protects them from the Uncomfortable Truth. #MarkManson — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 1, 2024

Communities-far fewer in number and typically imbued with a strong (often Protestant) Christian heritage-whose public realms exude respect in their principles and architecture, and whose citizens are therefore under less compulsion to retreat into a private domain. #AlaindeBotton

Communities-far fewer in number and typically imbued with a strong (often Protestant) Christian heritage-whose public realms exude respect in their principles and architecture, and whose citizens are therefore under less compulsion to retreat into a private domain. #AlaindeBotton — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 31, 2024

Wu wei means 'not making an effort', or going with the flow, but [doesn't] imply laziness or sloth. It suggests an intentional surrender of the will based on a wise recognition of the need, at points, to accede to, rather than protest against, demands of reality. #TheSchoolOfLife

Wu wei means 'not making an effort', or going with the flow, but [doesn't] imply laziness or sloth. It suggests an intentional surrender of the will based on a wise recognition of the need, at points, to accede to, rather than protest against, demands of reality. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 31, 2024

Doing nothing is happiness for children and misery for old men. #VictorHugo

Doing nothing is happiness for children and misery for old men. #VictorHugo — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 31, 2024

Love is the most important word in the English language--and the most confusing. #GaryChapman

Love is the most important word in the English language--and the most confusing. #GaryChapman — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 31, 2024

Many people criticise Sovietologists for failing to predict the 1989 revolutions and castigate Middle East experts for not anticipating the Arab Spring revolutions of 2011. This is unfair. Revolutions are, by definition, unpredictable. #YuvalNoahHarari

Many people criticise Sovietologists for failing to predict the 1989 revolutions and castigate Middle East experts for not anticipating the Arab Spring revolutions of 2011. This is unfair. Revolutions are, by definition, unpredictable. #YuvalNoahHarari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 31, 2024

You need to be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins. #JimStovall

You need to be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins. #JimStovall — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 31, 2024

While families had incentives to curtail women's work outside the home, employers had countervailing incentives to try to tap this large potential source of workers. #ThomasSowell

While families had incentives to curtail women's work outside the home, employers had countervailing incentives to try to tap this large potential source of workers. #ThomasSowell — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 30, 2024

We should start using the mind as a tool, [Tolle] argues, instead of letting the mind use us, which is the normal state of affairs. #OliverBurkeman

We should start using the mind as a tool, [Tolle] argues, instead of letting the mind use us, which is the normal state of affairs. #OliverBurkeman — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 30, 2024

It is now an easy matter to spell out the ethic of a truth: 'Do all that you can to persevere in that which exceeds you perseverance. Persevere in the interruption. Seize in your being that which has seized and broken you. #AlainBadiou

It is now an easy matter to spell out the ethic of a truth: 'Do all that you can to persevere in that which exceeds you perseverance. Persevere in the interruption. Seize in your being that which has seized and broken you. #AlainBadiou — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 30, 2024

Whoever you are, bear in mind that appearance is not reality. Some people act like extroverts, but the effort costs them energy, authenticity, and even physical health. Others seem aloof or self-contained, but their inner landscapes are rich and full of drama. #SusanCain

Whoever you are, bear in mind that appearance is not reality. Some people act like extroverts, but the effort costs them energy, authenticity, and even physical health. Others seem aloof or self-contained, but their inner landscapes are rich and full of drama. #SusanCain — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 30, 2024

Furthermore, our attraction to meekness may mask some cowardly resentment against self-assertion. We might not so much admire timidity as fear trying confidence. #TheSchoolOfLife

Furthermore, our attraction to meekness may mask some cowardly resentment against self-assertion. We might not so much admire timidity as fear trying confidence. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 30, 2024 study this subject, to get this job, to get this promotion and work our way up this corporate ladder, to what? Meanwhile, our lives are relegated to something that happens, to borrow from Schopenhauer, ad interim: in the meantime; unattended. #DerrenBrown study this subject, to get this job, to get this promotion and work our way up this corporate ladder, to what? Meanwhile, our lives are relegated to something that happens, to borrow from Schopenhauer, ad interim: in the meantime; unattended. #DerrenBrown — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 29, 2024

Anxiety is simply insight that we haven't yet found a productive use for, that hasn't yet made its way into art or philosophy. #TheSchoolOfLife

Anxiety is simply insight that we haven't yet found a productive use for, that hasn't yet made its way into art or philosophy. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 29, 2024

I firmly determined that my mannerisms and speech in public would always reflect the cheerful certainty of victory--that any pessimism and discouragement I might ever feel would be reserved for my pillow. #DavidBrooks

I firmly determined that my mannerisms and speech in public would always reflect the cheerful certainty of victory--that any pessimism and discouragement I might ever feel would be reserved for my pillow. #DavidBrooks — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 29, 2024

Whatever you think, think the opposite. #PaulArden

Whatever you think, think the opposite. #PaulArden — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 29, 2024

You can afford to be compassionate, lax, and courteous if, once in a while, when it is least expected of you, but completely justified, you sue someone, or savage an enemy, just to show that you can walk the walk. #NassimNicholasTaleb

You can afford to be compassionate, lax, and courteous if, once in a while, when it is least expected of you, but completely justified, you sue someone, or savage an enemy, just to show that you can walk the walk. #NassimNicholasTaleb — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 28, 2024

What these organizations have in common is a high-trust culture that enables all departments to work together effectively, where all work is transparently prioritized and there is sufficient slack in the system to allow high-priority work to be completed quickly. #GeneKim

What these organizations have in common is a high-trust culture that enables all departments to work together effectively, where all work is transparently prioritized and there is sufficient slack in the system to allow high-priority work to be completed quickly. #GeneKim — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 28, 2024

The dark does not destroy the light; it defines it. It's our fear of the dark that casts our joy into the shadows. #BreneBrown

The dark does not destroy the light; it defines it. It's our fear of the dark that casts our joy into the shadows. #BreneBrown — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 28, 2024

We focus on what we know and neglect what we do not know, which makes us overly confident in our beliefs. #DanielKahneman

We focus on what we know and neglect what we do not know, which makes us overly confident in our beliefs. #DanielKahneman — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 28, 2024

There should be a recognition that people don't change when they are told what's wrong with them, they change when they feel sufficiently supported to undertake the change they almost always already know is due. #TheSchoolOfLife

There should be a recognition that people don't change when they are told what's wrong with them, they change when they feel sufficiently supported to undertake the change they almost always already know is due. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 27, 2024

Political pessimism keeps people trapped in a search for purely personal and individual solutions. #JohannHari

Political pessimism keeps people trapped in a search for purely personal and individual solutions. #JohannHari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 27, 2024

One of the fundamental paths to sympathy is the power to hold on, in the most challenging situations, to a distinction between a person's overt unpleasant actions and the more pitiable motives that may underlie them. #TheSchoolOfLife

One of the fundamental paths to sympathy is the power to hold on, in the most challenging situations, to a distinction between a person's overt unpleasant actions and the more pitiable motives that may underlie them. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 27, 2024

Going forward, in a calculated fight against the spirit of the age, we might do well to ask all new acquaintances not what they do but what they have been thinking or daydreaming about recently. #TheSchoolOfLife

Going forward, in a calculated fight against the spirit of the age, we might do well to ask all new acquaintances not what they do but what they have been thinking or daydreaming about recently. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 26, 2024

So politeness doesn't so much deny what one is genuinely feeling as provide a greater opportunity to discover one's emotions more accurately. #TheSchoolOfLife

So politeness doesn't so much deny what one is genuinely feeling as provide a greater opportunity to discover one's emotions more accurately. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 26, 2024

So a novel by Jane Austen is taken apart until a delicate work of fiction is turned instead into nothing more than another piece of guilty residue from a discredited civilization. What has been achieved in this? Nothing but a process of destruction. #DouglasMurray

So a novel by Jane Austen is taken apart until a delicate work of fiction is turned instead into nothing more than another piece of guilty residue from a discredited civilization. What has been achieved in this? Nothing but a process of destruction. #DouglasMurray — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 26, 2024

Since news is what happens, not what doesn't happen, the denominator in the fraction corresponding to the true probability of an event--all the opportunities for the event to occur, including those in which it doesn't--is invisible, leaving us in the dark... #StevenPinker

Since news is what happens, not what doesn't happen, the denominator in the fraction corresponding to the true probability of an event--all the opportunities for the event to occur, including those in which it doesn't--is invisible, leaving us in the dark... #StevenPinker — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 26, 2024

we should also rearticulate alternative models of love, models in which masculinity and passionate commitment are not incompatible and are even synonymous. #EvaIllouz

we should also rearticulate alternative models of love, models in which masculinity and passionate commitment are not incompatible and are even synonymous. #EvaIllouz — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 26, 2024

But even so, every now and then I would feel a violent stab of loneliness. The very water I drink, the very air I breathe, would feel like long, sharp needles. The pages of a book in my hands would take on the threatening metallic gleam of razor blades. #HarukiMurakami

But even so, every now and then I would feel a violent stab of loneliness. The very water I drink, the very air I breathe, would feel like long, sharp needles. The pages of a book in my hands would take on the threatening metallic gleam of razor blades. #HarukiMurakami — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 25, 2024

To Lao-tse, the world was not a setter of traps but a teacher of valuable lessons. Its lessons needed to be learned, just as its laws needed to be followed; then all would go well. #BenjaminHoff

To Lao-tse, the world was not a setter of traps but a teacher of valuable lessons. Its lessons needed to be learned, just as its laws needed to be followed; then all would go well. #BenjaminHoff — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 25, 2024

From a sexual selection viewpoint, moral philosophy and political theory have mostly been attempts to shift male human sexual competitiveness from physical violence to the peaceful accumulation of wealth and status. #GeoffreyMiller

From a sexual selection viewpoint, moral philosophy and political theory have mostly been attempts to shift male human sexual competitiveness from physical violence to the peaceful accumulation of wealth and status. #GeoffreyMiller — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 25, 2024

We see that our feelings result from how we choose to receive what others say and do, as well as from our particular needs and expectations in that moment [...] we are led to accept responsibility for what we do to generate our own feelings. #MarshallRosenberg

We see that our feelings result from how we choose to receive what others say and do, as well as from our particular needs and expectations in that moment [...] we are led to accept responsibility for what we do to generate our own feelings. #MarshallRosenberg — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 25, 2024

Action expresses priorities. #MahatmaGandhi

Action expresses priorities. #MahatmaGandhi — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 24, 2024

One must speak for a struggle for a new culture, that is, for a new moral life that cannot but be intimately connected to a new intuition of life, until it becomes a new way of feeling and seeing reality. #AntonioGramsci

One must speak for a struggle for a new culture, that is, for a new moral life that cannot but be intimately connected to a new intuition of life, until it becomes a new way of feeling and seeing reality. #AntonioGramsci — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 24, 2024

What usually helps us to decide what someone means to us is our sense of what we mean to them. #AlaindeBotton

What usually helps us to decide what someone means to us is our sense of what we mean to them. #AlaindeBotton — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 24, 2024

Those who have nothing have only their discipline. #AlainBadiou

Those who have nothing have only their discipline. #AlainBadiou — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 23, 2024

If you make selfish, cruel, or disorganized choices, then you are slowly turning this core thing inside yourself into something that is degraded, inconstant, or fragmented. #DavidBrooks

If you make selfish, cruel, or disorganized choices, then you are slowly turning this core thing inside yourself into something that is degraded, inconstant, or fragmented. #DavidBrooks — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 23, 2024

Anyone can be polite and good. The valuable achievement is to learn how to be different, authentic and 'bad'--that is, to allow ourselves to be known. #TheSchoolOfLife

Anyone can be polite and good. The valuable achievement is to learn how to be different, authentic and 'bad'--that is, to allow ourselves to be known. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 23, 2024

Trigger warnings are counter-therapeutic because they encourage avoidance of reminders of trauma, and avoidance maintains PTSD. #JonathanHaidt

Trigger warnings are counter-therapeutic because they encourage avoidance of reminders of trauma, and avoidance maintains PTSD. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 23, 2024

By overwhelming consensus, our culture locates the primary difficulty of relationships in finding the 'right' person rather than in knowing how to love a real--that is, a necessarily rather unright--human being. #AlaindeBotton

By overwhelming consensus, our culture locates the primary difficulty of relationships in finding the 'right' person rather than in knowing how to love a real--that is, a necessarily rather unright--human being. #AlaindeBotton — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 22, 2024

[In Switzerland's largest city] the need to own a car in order to avoid sharing a bus or train with strangers loses some of the urgency it has in Los Angeles or London, thanks to Zurich's superlative train network, which is clean, safe, warm and edifying... #AlaindeBotton

[In Switzerland's largest city] the need to own a car in order to avoid sharing a bus or train with strangers loses some of the urgency it has in Los Angeles or London, thanks to Zurich's superlative train network, which is clean, safe, warm and edifying... #AlaindeBotton — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 22, 2024

It is much more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others. If you succeed in judging yourself rightly, then you are indeed a man of true wisdom. #AntoinedeSaintExupery

It is much more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others. If you succeed in judging yourself rightly, then you are indeed a man of true wisdom. #AntoinedeSaintExupery — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 22, 2024

...adversity hypothesis, which says that people need adversity, setbacks, and perhaps even trauma to reach the highest levels of strength, fulfillment, and personal development. #JonathanHaidt

...adversity hypothesis, which says that people need adversity, setbacks, and perhaps even trauma to reach the highest levels of strength, fulfillment, and personal development. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 21, 2024

...passionate love dispels the uncertainty and insecurity inherent in most interactions, and in that sense provides a very important source for understanding and enacting what we care about. #EvaIllouz

...passionate love dispels the uncertainty and insecurity inherent in most interactions, and in that sense provides a very important source for understanding and enacting what we care about. #EvaIllouz — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 21, 2024

The path to success is never a straight line... it's about consistent planning and execution--you try what seems like a good idea. You do it quickly. You keep your mind open and curious. You learn. Then you scrap what failed and double down on what's working. #JulieZhuo

The path to success is never a straight line... it's about consistent planning and execution--you try what seems like a good idea. You do it quickly. You keep your mind open and curious. You learn. Then you scrap what failed and double down on what's working. #JulieZhuo — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 21, 2024

Breakthrough moments are often the result of many previous actions, which build up the potential required to unleash a major change. This pattern shows up everywhere. Cancer spends 80 percent of its life undetectable, then takes over the body in months. #JamesClear

Breakthrough moments are often the result of many previous actions, which build up the potential required to unleash a major change. This pattern shows up everywhere. Cancer spends 80 percent of its life undetectable, then takes over the body in months. #JamesClear — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 21, 2024

The troubadours did give us a particular myth of true love--the idea that real love burns brightly and passionately, and then it just keeps on burning until death, and then it just keeps on burning after death as the lovers are reunited in heaven. #JonathanHaidt

The troubadours did give us a particular myth of true love--the idea that real love burns brightly and passionately, and then it just keeps on burning until death, and then it just keeps on burning after death as the lovers are reunited in heaven. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 20, 2024

...we've transformed the world from a place of scarcity to a place of overwhelming abundance: Drugs, food, news, gambling, shopping, gaming, texting, sexting, Facebooking, Instagramming, YouTubing, tweeting... #AnnaLembke

...we've transformed the world from a place of scarcity to a place of overwhelming abundance: Drugs, food, news, gambling, shopping, gaming, texting, sexting, Facebooking, Instagramming, YouTubing, tweeting... #AnnaLembke — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 20, 2024 a novelist I am free to spend my life hardly seeing or talking to anyone for days at a time, and never appearing in the media. I rarely have to do anything that involves teamwork, and while it's best to have some colleagues, I don't especially need any. #HarukiMurakami a novelist I am free to spend my life hardly seeing or talking to anyone for days at a time, and never appearing in the media. I rarely have to do anything that involves teamwork, and while it's best to have some colleagues, I don't especially need any. #HarukiMurakami — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 20, 2024

People leave strange little memories of themselves behind when they die. #HarukiMurakami

People leave strange little memories of themselves behind when they die. #HarukiMurakami — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 19, 2024

Acedia is the quieting of passion. It is a lack of care. It is living a life that doesn't arouse your strong passions and therefore instills a sluggishness of the soul, like an oven set on warm. #DavidBrooks

Acedia is the quieting of passion. It is a lack of care. It is living a life that doesn't arouse your strong passions and therefore instills a sluggishness of the soul, like an oven set on warm. #DavidBrooks — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 19, 2024

[Focus and endurance] are different from talent, since they can be acquired and sharpened through training. You'll naturally learn both concentration and endurance when you sit down every day at your desk and train yourself to focus on one point. #HarukiMurakami

[Focus and endurance] are different from talent, since they can be acquired and sharpened through training. You'll naturally learn both concentration and endurance when you sit down every day at your desk and train yourself to focus on one point. #HarukiMurakami — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 19, 2024

Nor could you consistently will that people cheat, lie, steal, or in any other way deprive other people of their rights or their property, for such evils would surely come back to visit you. #JonathanHaidt

Nor could you consistently will that people cheat, lie, steal, or in any other way deprive other people of their rights or their property, for such evils would surely come back to visit you. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 19, 2024

If you want your children to grow up to be healthy and independent, you should hold them, hug them, cuddle them... #JonathanHaidt

If you want your children to grow up to be healthy and independent, you should hold them, hug them, cuddle them... #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 18, 2024

You can keep as quiet as you like, but one of these days somebody is going to find you. #HarukiMurakami

You can keep as quiet as you like, but one of these days somebody is going to find you. #HarukiMurakami — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 18, 2024

A young man has hoped for a happy or useful or glorious life. If the man he has become looks upon these miscarried attempts of his adolescence with disillusioned indifference, there they are, forever frozen in the dead past. #SimonedeBeauvoir

A young man has hoped for a happy or useful or glorious life. If the man he has become looks upon these miscarried attempts of his adolescence with disillusioned indifference, there they are, forever frozen in the dead past. #SimonedeBeauvoir — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 18, 2024

We are tempted to believe that certain achievements and possessions will give us enduring satisfaction [...] we are not reminded that soon after gaining the summit, we will be called down again into fresh lowlands of anxiety and desire. #AlaindeBotton

We are tempted to believe that certain achievements and possessions will give us enduring satisfaction [...] we are not reminded that soon after gaining the summit, we will be called down again into fresh lowlands of anxiety and desire. #AlaindeBotton — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 17, 2024

And when you try too hard, it doesn't work. Try grabbing something quickly and precisely with a tensed-up arm; then relax and try it again. #BenjaminHoff

And when you try too hard, it doesn't work. Try grabbing something quickly and precisely with a tensed-up arm; then relax and try it again. #BenjaminHoff — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 17, 2024

...insofar as morality is a biological adaptation, it evolved not only as a device for putting Us ahead of Me, but as a device for putting Us ahead of Them. #JoshuaGreene

...insofar as morality is a biological adaptation, it evolved not only as a device for putting Us ahead of Me, but as a device for putting Us ahead of Them. #JoshuaGreene — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 17, 2024

In practice, randomness is fundamentally incomplete information. #NassimNicholasTaleb

In practice, randomness is fundamentally incomplete information. #NassimNicholasTaleb — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 17, 2024

We faced tremendous odds with an improbable chance of survival. Singapore was not a natural country but man-made, a trading post the British had developed into a nodal point in their worldwide maritime empire. We inherited the island without its hinterland... #LeeKuanYew

We faced tremendous odds with an improbable chance of survival. Singapore was not a natural country but man-made, a trading post the British had developed into a nodal point in their worldwide maritime empire. We inherited the island without its hinterland... #LeeKuanYew — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 16, 2024

Modern armies no longer line up in neat rows and charge each other from opposite sides of a battlefield... they still train that way... during marching drills. This practice is useful... not to prep for actual battle conditions, but to build trust and solidarity... #KevinSimler

Modern armies no longer line up in neat rows and charge each other from opposite sides of a battlefield... they still train that way... during marching drills. This practice is useful... not to prep for actual battle conditions, but to build trust and solidarity... #KevinSimler — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 16, 2024

A system can be successful in many different forms, not just the one you first envision. #JamesClear

A system can be successful in many different forms, not just the one you first envision. #JamesClear — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 16, 2024

The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. #MarcusAurelius

The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. #MarcusAurelius — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 16, 2024

When you are in survival mode, you do what it takes to survive. When you're beyond survival in your team's hierarchy of needs, then you can plan for the future and think about what you can do today that will help you achieve more in the months and years ahead. #JulieZhuo

When you are in survival mode, you do what it takes to survive. When you're beyond survival in your team's hierarchy of needs, then you can plan for the future and think about what you can do today that will help you achieve more in the months and years ahead. #JulieZhuo — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 16, 2024

After 1978, when China opened its door to the outside world after several decades of isolation, the Chinese were stunned by what they saw. Quite a few people adopted the opposite view: everything in the West was logical and scientific, and everything in China was ugly... #QianNing

After 1978, when China opened its door to the outside world after several decades of isolation, the Chinese were stunned by what they saw. Quite a few people adopted the opposite view: everything in the West was logical and scientific, and everything in China was ugly... #QianNing — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 16, 2024

How many times have you talked to yourself, reassured yourself or had battles within your own head? Often you have thoughts and feelings that you do not want and even carry out behaviours that you know at the time are not really what you want to do. #StevePeters

How many times have you talked to yourself, reassured yourself or had battles within your own head? Often you have thoughts and feelings that you do not want and even carry out behaviours that you know at the time are not really what you want to do. #StevePeters — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 15, 2024

Medical students would be jockeying to become defrailulation specialists, and Wall Street would be bidding up company stock prices. Instead, it was just geriatrics. The geriatric teams weren't doing lung biopsies or back surgery or insertion of automatic defrailers. #AtulGawande

Medical students would be jockeying to become defrailulation specialists, and Wall Street would be bidding up company stock prices. Instead, it was just geriatrics. The geriatric teams weren't doing lung biopsies or back surgery or insertion of automatic defrailers. #AtulGawande — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 15, 2024

Safetyism does not help students who suffer from anxiety and depression [...] safetyism is likely to make things even worse for students who already struggle with mood disorders. #JonathanHaidt

Safetyism does not help students who suffer from anxiety and depression [...] safetyism is likely to make things even worse for students who already struggle with mood disorders. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 15, 2024

Art is a selective re-creation of reality according to an artists metaphysical value judgments. #AynRand

Art is a selective re-creation of reality according to an artists metaphysical value judgments. #AynRand — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 15, 2024

Tribalism has recently been linked to specific neural systems. [...] It turns out that oxytocin, sometimes described as the cuddle chemical, is more discriminating than had previously been thought. #JoshuaGreene

Tribalism has recently been linked to specific neural systems. [...] It turns out that oxytocin, sometimes described as the cuddle chemical, is more discriminating than had previously been thought. #JoshuaGreene — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 14, 2024

Conservatives want schools to teach lessons that will create a positive and uniquely American identity, including a heavy dose of American history and civics, using English as the only national language. #JonathanHaidt

Conservatives want schools to teach lessons that will create a positive and uniquely American identity, including a heavy dose of American history and civics, using English as the only national language. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 14, 2024

Plato said that we are trapped inside a cave and know the world only through the shadows it casts on the wall. The skull is our cave, and mental representations are the shadows. #StevenPinker

Plato said that we are trapped inside a cave and know the world only through the shadows it casts on the wall. The skull is our cave, and mental representations are the shadows. #StevenPinker — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 14, 2024

A failure is supposed to give you pause, shake you up, humble you. But that would be the end of being a fearless, creative thinker. #GeorgeLois

A failure is supposed to give you pause, shake you up, humble you. But that would be the end of being a fearless, creative thinker. #GeorgeLois — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 14, 2024

It's failure that charms, [as] others so need to hear external evidence of problems with which we are all too lonely: how un-normal our sex lives are; how arduous our careers are proving; how unsatisfactory our family can be; how worried we are [...] all the time #TheSchoolOfLife

It's failure that charms, [as] others so need to hear external evidence of problems with which we are all too lonely: how un-normal our sex lives are; how arduous our careers are proving; how unsatisfactory our family can be; how worried we are [...] all the time #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 14, 2024

...situating love in the context of asymmetrical power relations. But a flaw common to all of [the explanations] is their pathologizing of male behavior and their concomitant affirmation and praise of the female psyche and of the (presumably female) model of intimacy. #EvaIllouz

...situating love in the context of asymmetrical power relations. But a flaw common to all of [the explanations] is their pathologizing of male behavior and their concomitant affirmation and praise of the female psyche and of the (presumably female) model of intimacy. #EvaIllouz — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 13, 2024

Somehow, instead of holding on to the lifelong identity that was slipping away from him, he managed to redefine it. He moved his line in the sand. This is what it means to have autonomy #AtulGawande

Somehow, instead of holding on to the lifelong identity that was slipping away from him, he managed to redefine it. He moved his line in the sand. This is what it means to have autonomy #AtulGawande — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 13, 2024

Let dull critics feed upon the carcasses of plays; give me the taste and the dressing #LordChesterfield

Let dull critics feed upon the carcasses of plays; give me the taste and the dressing #LordChesterfield — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 13, 2024

I just run. I run in void. Or maybe I should put it the other way: I run in order to acquire a void. #HarukiMurakami

I just run. I run in void. Or maybe I should put it the other way: I run in order to acquire a void. #HarukiMurakami — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 13, 2024

For women in this era [before the 1960s], it seemed that marriage was the easiest way of acquiring the basic freedoms of adulthood. #AzizAnsari

For women in this era [before the 1960s], it seemed that marriage was the easiest way of acquiring the basic freedoms of adulthood. #AzizAnsari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 13, 2024

Peter Block, [a leading expert] on community, puts it, Talk to any poor person or vulnerable person and they can give you a long list of the services they have received. They are well serviced, but you often have to ask what in their life has fundamentally changed. #DavidBrooks

Peter Block, [a leading expert] on community, puts it, Talk to any poor person or vulnerable person and they can give you a long list of the services they have received. They are well serviced, but you often have to ask what in their life has fundamentally changed. #DavidBrooks — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 13, 2024

Even prohibitions against masturbation--a private act if ever there was one--may serve a social function: A cooperative institution such as a church may increase its power by maintaining a monopoly on the blessing of marriages, blocking [other] sexual gratification. #JoshuaGreene

Even prohibitions against masturbation--a private act if ever there was one--may serve a social function: A cooperative institution such as a church may increase its power by maintaining a monopoly on the blessing of marriages, blocking [other] sexual gratification. #JoshuaGreene — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 12, 2024

The essence of the principle of the Uncarved Block is that things in their original simplicity contain their own natural power, power that is easily spoiled and lost when that simplicity is changed. #BenjaminHoff

The essence of the principle of the Uncarved Block is that things in their original simplicity contain their own natural power, power that is easily spoiled and lost when that simplicity is changed. #BenjaminHoff — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 12, 2024

Numerous lab experiments confirm that people are, indeed, pro-social punishers. The most famous such experiment was conducted by Ernst Fehr and Simon G踄hter, using what's called the Public Goods Game, a multiperson prisoner's dilemma [like] Tragedy of the Commons #JoshuaGreene

Numerous lab experiments confirm that people are, indeed, pro-social punishers. The most famous such experiment was conducted by Ernst Fehr and Simon G踄hter, using what's called the Public Goods Game, a multiperson prisoner's dilemma [like] Tragedy of the Commons #JoshuaGreene — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 12, 2024

We project our senses onto [extremophiles] and assume that they'd be in discomfort [but] their senses are tuned to the temperatures in which they live. A camel likely isn't distressed by the baking sun, and penguins probably don't mind huddling through an Antarctic storm. #EdYong

We project our senses onto [extremophiles] and assume that they'd be in discomfort [but] their senses are tuned to the temperatures in which they live. A camel likely isn't distressed by the baking sun, and penguins probably don't mind huddling through an Antarctic storm. #EdYong — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 12, 2024

Now I make it a point to go for a walk for an hour every day without my phone or anything else that could distract me. I let my thoughts float and find unexpected connections. #JohannHari

Now I make it a point to go for a walk for an hour every day without my phone or anything else that could distract me. I let my thoughts float and find unexpected connections. #JohannHari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 12, 2024

[On arete (excellence) and telos (purpose), Aristotle] used the metaphor that people are like archers, who need a clear target at which to aim. Without a target or goal, one is left with the animal default: Just let the elephant graze or roam where he pleases. #JonathanHaidt

[On arete (excellence) and telos (purpose), Aristotle] used the metaphor that people are like archers, who need a clear target at which to aim. Without a target or goal, one is left with the animal default: Just let the elephant graze or roam where he pleases. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 11, 2024

Certainly people fell in love during those thousands of years, sometimes with their own spouses. But marriage was not fundamentally about love. #StephanieCoontz

Certainly people fell in love during those thousands of years, sometimes with their own spouses. But marriage was not fundamentally about love. #StephanieCoontz — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 11, 2024

Just as a stream flows smoothly as long as it encounters no obstruction, so the nature of man and animal is such that we never really notice or become conscious of what is agreeable to our will; if we are to notice something, our will has to have been thwarted... #MarkManson

Just as a stream flows smoothly as long as it encounters no obstruction, so the nature of man and animal is such that we never really notice or become conscious of what is agreeable to our will; if we are to notice something, our will has to have been thwarted... #MarkManson — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 11, 2024

'Classic.' A book which people praise and don't read. #MarkTwain

'Classic.' A book which people praise and don't read. #MarkTwain — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 11, 2024

...colleges that claim to select students on merit give an edge to the sons and daughters of the wealthy and the well-connected. According to this complaint, meritocracy is a myth, a distant promise yet to be redeemed. #MichaelSandel

...colleges that claim to select students on merit give an edge to the sons and daughters of the wealthy and the well-connected. According to this complaint, meritocracy is a myth, a distant promise yet to be redeemed. #MichaelSandel — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 11, 2024

It isn't enough to be sometimes right in a relationship. We need to be generous enough in our love in order that our partner can admit when they are in the wrong. #TheSchoolOfLife

It isn't enough to be sometimes right in a relationship. We need to be generous enough in our love in order that our partner can admit when they are in the wrong. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 11, 2024

In short, reducing the set of mutually acceptable terms tends to reduce the set of mutually acceptable results, with both tenants and landlords ending up worse off on the whole, though in different ways. #ThomasSowell

In short, reducing the set of mutually acceptable terms tends to reduce the set of mutually acceptable results, with both tenants and landlords ending up worse off on the whole, though in different ways. #ThomasSowell — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 10, 2024

A human appears out of nowhere--gets it--and then vanishes. And all of this begs the question: If I know that I am the tiniest speck of dust around for a split second only, then why was I so upset when my fantasy football team lost on Sunday? #TimUrban

A human appears out of nowhere--gets it--and then vanishes. And all of this begs the question: If I know that I am the tiniest speck of dust around for a split second only, then why was I so upset when my fantasy football team lost on Sunday? #TimUrban — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 10, 2024

It's time to initiate a massive international Manhattan-style project or Apollo-style program dedicated to addressing global sustainability in an integrated, systemic sense. #GeoffreyWest

It's time to initiate a massive international Manhattan-style project or Apollo-style program dedicated to addressing global sustainability in an integrated, systemic sense. #GeoffreyWest — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 10, 2024

We hate the way we are because, somewhere in our evolution, we picked up some unyielding ideas about the way we should be: what we should have achieved, how many mistakes we should have made, how we should look, what others should be saying about us. #TheSchoolOfLife

We hate the way we are because, somewhere in our evolution, we picked up some unyielding ideas about the way we should be: what we should have achieved, how many mistakes we should have made, how we should look, what others should be saying about us. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 10, 2024

Great authors turn vagueness into clarity. #TheSchoolOfLife

Great authors turn vagueness into clarity. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 10, 2024

When Descartes said 'I think, therefore I am,' he had not discovered 'the most fundamental truth', Tolle insists; instead, he had given expression to 'the most basic error' #OliverBurkeman

When Descartes said 'I think, therefore I am,' he had not discovered 'the most fundamental truth', Tolle insists; instead, he had given expression to 'the most basic error' #OliverBurkeman — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 9, 2024

People have been cheating on each other for as long as they've made promises to be monogamous #AzizAnsari

People have been cheating on each other for as long as they've made promises to be monogamous #AzizAnsari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 9, 2024

Emotions are activated by a general and undifferentiated state of arousal, which becomes an emotion only when appropriately labeled. For example, the same general state of arousal could trigger either fear or infatuation, depending on environmental cues. #EvaIllouz

Emotions are activated by a general and undifferentiated state of arousal, which becomes an emotion only when appropriately labeled. For example, the same general state of arousal could trigger either fear or infatuation, depending on environmental cues. #EvaIllouz — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 9, 2024

I recommend you to take care of the minutes: for hours will take care of themselves. #LordChesterfield

I recommend you to take care of the minutes: for hours will take care of themselves. #LordChesterfield — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 9, 2024

This concept is intuitive, and yet when we watch extremophiles [...] it's easy to think that they are suffering throughout their lives. We admire them not just for their physiological resilience but also for their psychological fortitude. We project our senses onto theirs #EdYong

This concept is intuitive, and yet when we watch extremophiles [...] it's easy to think that they are suffering throughout their lives. We admire them not just for their physiological resilience but also for their psychological fortitude. We project our senses onto theirs #EdYong — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 9, 2024

Public opinion surveys suggest that a failure to do anything about immigration even while talking about it is one of the key causes of the breakdown in trust between the electorate and their political representatives. #DouglasMurray

Public opinion surveys suggest that a failure to do anything about immigration even while talking about it is one of the key causes of the breakdown in trust between the electorate and their political representatives. #DouglasMurray — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 9, 2024

Tragic heroes marched out into the world full of pride, biased vision and a mighty capacity for self-deception. Fate ultimately brought them to their knees. The lesson for us is not that we are doomed but that we must reassess the control we think we wield. #DerrenBrown

Tragic heroes marched out into the world full of pride, biased vision and a mighty capacity for self-deception. Fate ultimately brought them to their knees. The lesson for us is not that we are doomed but that we must reassess the control we think we wield. #DerrenBrown — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 8, 2024

We think we know far more today, but as individuals, we actually know far less. We rely on the expertise of others for almost all our needs. #YuvalNoahHarari

We think we know far more today, but as individuals, we actually know far less. We rely on the expertise of others for almost all our needs. #YuvalNoahHarari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 8, 2024

For religions, spirituality is a dangerous threat. #YuvalNoahHarari

For religions, spirituality is a dangerous threat. #YuvalNoahHarari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 8, 2024

Better to keep quiet and let people think you're an idiot than speak up and confirm it. #RodneyDangerfield

Better to keep quiet and let people think you're an idiot than speak up and confirm it. #RodneyDangerfield — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 8, 2024

Ambivalence is not intrinsic to the psyche but is a property of the institutions that organize our lives. #EvaIllouz

Ambivalence is not intrinsic to the psyche but is a property of the institutions that organize our lives. #EvaIllouz — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 8, 2024

Many management are just deciding they're gonna buy X billions over X months. That's no way to buy things. You buy when selling for less than they are worth... It's not a complicated equation to figure out whether it is beneficial or not to repurchase shares #WarrenBuffett

Many management are just deciding they're gonna buy X billions over X months. That's no way to buy things. You buy when selling for less than they are worth... It's not a complicated equation to figure out whether it is beneficial or not to repurchase shares #WarrenBuffett — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 7, 2024

Cognitive behavioral therapists treat trauma patients by exposing them to the things they find upsetting (at first in small ways, such as imagining them or looking at pictures), activating their fear, and helping them habituate (grow accustomed) to the stimuli. #JonathanHaidt

Cognitive behavioral therapists treat trauma patients by exposing them to the things they find upsetting (at first in small ways, such as imagining them or looking at pictures), activating their fear, and helping them habituate (grow accustomed) to the stimuli. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 7, 2024

The success of America lies in its dynamic economy, sustained by an uncanny ability not just to produce the same with less, but to constantly innovate-that is, to invent completely new goods and services that the rest of the world soon finds to be useful and desirable #LeeKuanYew

The success of America lies in its dynamic economy, sustained by an uncanny ability not just to produce the same with less, but to constantly innovate-that is, to invent completely new goods and services that the rest of the world soon finds to be useful and desirable #LeeKuanYew — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 7, 2024

[Europeans more or less were] brought up as Christians [2,000 years ago but] in their practical policies, they have fought one war after the other [...] They have done the opposite of what they have been taught and what they have learned by heart. They're ridiculous #LeeKuanYew

[Europeans more or less were] brought up as Christians [2,000 years ago but] in their practical policies, they have fought one war after the other [...] They have done the opposite of what they have been taught and what they have learned by heart. They're ridiculous #LeeKuanYew — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jul 7, 2024

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. #Thoreau