"The next time you are in a meeting, ask the quietest person what they think. Invite everyone into the conversation. If you are on a conference call, ask the people on the phone to share their thoughts first." Satya Nadella — English Quotes (@english_quotes) December 31, 2020
"It is a great advantage for any man to be able to talk or hear, neither ignorantly nor absurdly, upon any subject; for I have known people, who have not said one word, hear ignorantly and absurdly; it has appeared by their inattentive and unmeaning faces." Lord Chesterfield — English Quotes (@english_quotes) December 30, 2020
"The best thing that happens to us is when a great company gets into temporary trouble... We want to buy them when they're on the operating table." Warren Buffet — English Quotes (@english_quotes) December 29, 2020
"Focus on education is a big strength. I want to see young people focus on creativity and take more risks." Sundar Pichai — English Quotes (@english_quotes) December 27, 2020
"The thousand mysteries around us would not trouble but interest us, if only we had cheerful, healthy hearts." Friedrich Nietzsche — English Quotes (@english_quotes) December 24, 2020
"People will no more advance their civility to a bear, than their money to a bankrupt." Lord Chesterfield — English Quotes (@english_quotes) December 24, 2020
"Widespread fear is your friend as an investor because it serves up bargain purchases." Warren Buffet — English Quotes (@english_quotes) December 23, 2020
"Playing catch-up with the competition can only ever help you make incremental gains. It will never help you create something new." Eric Schmidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) December 20, 2020
"I really know nothing more criminal, more mean, and more ridiculous than lying. It is the production either of malice, cowardice, or vanity; and generally misses of its aim in every one of these views; for lies are always detected, sooner or later." Lord Chesterfield — English Quotes (@english_quotes) December 18, 2020
"A woman is like a tea bag. You never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water." Nancy Reagan — English Quotes (@english_quotes) December 17, 2020
"Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago." Warren Buffet — English Quotes (@english_quotes) December 15, 2020
"Before you can articulate your own standards of value, you must see yourself as a stranger and then you must get to know yourself." Jordan Peterson — English Quotes (@english_quotes) December 13, 2020
"Have confidence that if you have done a little thing well, you can do a bigger thing well, too." David Malcolm Storey — English Quotes (@english_quotes) December 10, 2020
"It is an undoubted truth, that the less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it in. One yawns, one procrastinates, one can do it when one will, and therefore one seldom does it at all." Lord Chesterfield — English Quotes (@english_quotes) December 10, 2020
"The press, the machine, the railway, the telegraph are premises whose thousand-year conclusion no one has yet dared to draw." Friedrich Nietzsche — English Quotes (@english_quotes) December 9, 2020
"On the margin of safety, which means, don't try and drive a 9,800-pound truck over a bridge that says it's, you know, capacity: 10,000 pounds. But go down the road a little bit and find one that says, capacity: 15,000 pounds." Warren Buffet — English Quotes (@english_quotes) December 7, 2020
"There's nothing that cannot be found through some search engine or on the Internet somewhere." Eric Schmidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) December 6, 2020
"I know the voices in my head aren't real, but sometimes their ideas are just awesome!" Heidi Nelson — English Quotes (@english_quotes) December 4, 2020
"I told them that we spend far too much time at work for it not to have deep meaning." Satya Nadella — English Quotes (@english_quotes) December 3, 2020
"All of us technology companies need to create some tools that help diminish the volume of fake news. We must try to squeeze this without stepping on freedom of speech and of the press, but we must also help the reader." Tim Cook — English Quotes (@english_quotes) December 3, 2020
"You might fail a few times, but that's Ok. You end up doing something worthwhile which you learn a great deal from." Sundar Pichai — English Quotes (@english_quotes) December 1, 2020
"I'm not clumsy! The floor just hates me, the tables and chairs are bullies and the wall gets in my way!" Unknown — English Quotes (@english_quotes) November 29, 2020
"You don't get to choose not to pay a price, you only get to choose which price you pay." Jordan Peterson — English Quotes (@english_quotes) November 26, 2020
"Our prejudices are our mistresses; reason is at best our wife, very often heard indeed, but seldom minded." Lord Chesterfield — English Quotes (@english_quotes) November 26, 2020
"The coach doesn't have to play the sport as well as you do. They have to watch you and get you to be your best." Eric Schmidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) November 24, 2020
"I knew once a very covetous, sordid fellow, who used to say, 'Take care of the pence, for the pounds will take care of themselves." Lord Chesterfield — English Quotes (@english_quotes) November 22, 2020
"A person who is happy is not because everything is right in his life, he is happy because his attitude towards everything in his life is right." Sundar Pichai — English Quotes (@english_quotes) November 19, 2020
"Dying is the most embarrassing thing that can ever happen to you, because someone's got to take care of all your details." Andy Warhol — English Quotes (@english_quotes) November 17, 2020
"If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place." Eric Schmidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) November 16, 2020
"To the degree we're not living our dreams; our comfort zone has more control of us than we have over ourselves." Peter McWilliams — English Quotes (@english_quotes) November 16, 2020
"Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no laziness, no procrastination: never put off till to-morrow what you can do to-day." Lord Chesterfield — English Quotes (@english_quotes) November 14, 2020
"The scholar, without good breeding, is a pedant; the philosopher, a cynic; the soldier, a brute; and every man disagreeable." Lord Chesterfield — English Quotes (@english_quotes) November 12, 2020
"For us, the most important thing we can do is raise people up, that is, either by giving the ability to do things they could not otherwise do, allow them to create things they couldn't otherwise create. It's about giving them tools; it is about empowering people." Tim Cook — English Quotes (@english_quotes) November 11, 2020
"Do not take yearly results too seriously. Instead, focus on four or five-year averages." Warren Buffett — English Quotes (@english_quotes) November 10, 2020
"Every person, organization, and even society reaches a point at which they owe it to themselves to hit refresh - to reenergize, renew, reframe, and rethink their purpose." Satya Nadella — English Quotes (@english_quotes) November 9, 2020
"Perhaps happiness is always to be found in the journey uphill, and not in the fleeting sense of satisfaction awaiting at the next peak. Much of happiness is hope, no." Jordan Peterson — English Quotes (@english_quotes) November 8, 2020
"Success in investing doesn't correlate with IQ ... what you need is the temperament to control the urges that get other people into trouble in investing." Warren Buffett — English Quotes (@english_quotes) November 2, 2020
"After you finish testing the water, you try to double down on something. If you do not have a budget, and at that time you thought about raising a round, it probably takes some time. The opportunity window might be gone." Eric Yuan — English Quotes (@english_quotes) October 26, 2020
"With a hypothetical question you can only get, at best, a hypothetical answer." Father William Seifert — English Quotes (@english_quotes) October 25, 2020
"You are neither right nor wrong because the crowd disagrees with you. You are right because your data and reasoning are right." Warren Buffett — English Quotes (@english_quotes) October 24, 2020
"I learned that familiar paths traced in the dusk of summer evenings may lead as well to prisons as to innocent, untroubled sleep." Albert Camus — English Quotes (@english_quotes) October 21, 2020
"Success can cause people to unlearn the habits that made them successful in the first place." Satya Nadella — English Quotes (@english_quotes) October 18, 2020
"Most people spend more time and energy going around problems than in trying to solve them." Henry Ford — English Quotes (@english_quotes) October 17, 2020
"Diversification is a protection against ignorance. It makes very little sense for those who know what they're doing." Warren Buffett — English Quotes (@english_quotes) October 15, 2020
"Don't get caught up with what other people are doing. Being a contrarian isn't the key but being a crowd follower isn't either. You need to detach yourself emotionally." Warren Buffett — English Quotes (@english_quotes) October 13, 2020
"And if you think tough men are dangerous, wait until you see what weak men are capable of." Jordan Peterson — English Quotes (@english_quotes) October 12, 2020
"Employees everyday, when they wake up, they don't want to go into the office to work. That's not a company I wanted to build. I want to ensure every employee, many years after they retire when they look back, they can enjoy a sweet memory of happy moments they shared." Eric Yuan — English Quotes (@english_quotes) October 11, 2020
"There is no me. I do not exist. There used to be a me but I had it surgically removed." Peter Sellers — English Quotes (@english_quotes) October 8, 2020
"Buy a stock the way you would buy a house. Understand and like it such that you'd be content to own it in the absence of any market." Warren Buffett — English Quotes (@english_quotes) October 6, 2020
"As a child, I thought I hated everybody, but when I grew up I realized it was just children I didn't like." Philip Larkin — English Quotes (@english_quotes) October 5, 2020
"If you could understand impermanence deeply, you would develop more equanimity. You would not get too excited about either the ups or downs of life. And only then would you be ready to develop that deeper sense of empathy and compassion for everything..." Satya Nadella — English Quotes (@english_quotes) October 4, 2020
"I passionately hate the idea of being with it; I think an artist has always to be out of step with his time." George Orson Welles — English Quotes (@english_quotes) October 3, 2020
"When we own portions of outstanding businesses with outstanding managements, our favorite holding period is forever." Warren Buffett — English Quotes (@english_quotes) October 1, 2020
"If you fulfill your obligations everyday, you don't need to worry about the future." Jordan Peterson — English Quotes (@english_quotes) October 1, 2020
"Men at some time are masters of their fates: The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings." William Shakespeare — English Quotes (@english_quotes) September 29, 2020
"We make our freemium product work so well. We give most of our features for free. That's why almost every day there are so many user coming to our website. If they like our product, very soon they are going to pay for the subscription." Eric Yuan — English Quotes (@english_quotes) September 27, 2020
"It's very bad for a girl to be too pretty. It stops her developing a sense of humor, or a personality." About Time — English Quotes (@english_quotes) September 26, 2020
"The key to investing is not assessing how much an industry is going to affect society, or how much it will grow, but rather determining the competitive advantage of any given company and, above all, the durability of that advantage." Warren Buffett — English Quotes (@english_quotes) September 24, 2020
"Life without law remains chaotic, effectively intolerable. Life that is pure law becomes sterile, equally unbearable. The domination of chaos or sterility equally breeds murderous resentment and hatred." Jordan Peterson — English Quotes (@english_quotes) September 21, 2020
"The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn't understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had." Eric Schmidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) September 20, 2020
"The years ahead will occasionally deliver major market declines — even panics — that will affect virtually all stocks. No one can tell you when these traumas will occur." Warren Buffett — English Quotes (@english_quotes) September 19, 2020
"We needed to build deeper empathy for our customers and their unarticulated and unmet needs. It was time to hit refresh." Satya Nadella — English Quotes (@english_quotes) September 17, 2020
"For the investor, a too-high purchase price for the stock of an excellent company can undo the effects of a subsequent decade of favorable business developments." Warren Buffett — English Quotes (@english_quotes) September 14, 2020
"The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind." Baz Luhrmann — English Quotes (@english_quotes) September 12, 2020
"When you were young you thought about who to marry. For sure you wanted to marry the one who really loved you. You do not want to date the one who always asks about how much money you have, how healthy you are, what's your family background? That's not sustainable." Eric Yuan — English Quotes (@english_quotes) September 10, 2020
"Most people get interested in stocks when everyone else is. The time to get interested is when no one else is. You can't buy what is popular and do well." Warren Buffett — English Quotes (@english_quotes) September 7, 2020