
Showing posts from August, 2024

[On death pools] This attitude is an unwholesome mix of frivolity and obsession--toying with death even while fixating upon it. #MichaelSandel

[On death pools] This attitude is an unwholesome mix of frivolity and obsession--toying with death even while fixating upon it. #MichaelSandel — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Sep 1, 2024

Many of those blessings for which our pious and pessimistic ancestors offered thanks, we now pride ourselves on having worked hard enough to take for granted. #AlaindeBotton

Many of those blessings for which our pious and pessimistic ancestors offered thanks, we now pride ourselves on having worked hard enough to take for granted. #AlaindeBotton — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Sep 1, 2024

Above I mentioned Kant's categorical imperative, which he famously summarized thus: Act so that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or that of another, always as an end and never as a means only. #JoshuaGreene

Above I mentioned Kant's categorical imperative, which he famously summarized thus: Act so that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or that of another, always as an end and never as a means only. #JoshuaGreene — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 31, 2024

No matter how many options we have, the real challenge is figuring out how to evaluate them. #AzizAnsari

No matter how many options we have, the real challenge is figuring out how to evaluate them. #AzizAnsari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 31, 2024

The adversity hypothesis has a weak and a strong version. In the weak version, adversity can lead to growth, strength, joy and self-improvement, by the three mechanisms of posttraumatic growth... #JonathanHaidt

The adversity hypothesis has a weak and a strong version. In the weak version, adversity can lead to growth, strength, joy and self-improvement, by the three mechanisms of posttraumatic growth... #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 31, 2024

...we were wonderful traveling companions but in the end no more than lonely lumps of metal in their own separate orbits. From far off they look like beautiful shooting stars, but in reality they're nothing more than prisons, where each of us is locked up alone #HarukiMurakami

...we were wonderful traveling companions but in the end no more than lonely lumps of metal in their own separate orbits. From far off they look like beautiful shooting stars, but in reality they're nothing more than prisons, where each of us is locked up alone #HarukiMurakami — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 31, 2024

Of all the things that people do in the name of God, killing a girl because she doesn't bleed on her wedding night is among the most cruel. Yet the hymen [...] remains an object of worship among many religions and societies around the world... #NicholasDKristof

Of all the things that people do in the name of God, killing a girl because she doesn't bleed on her wedding night is among the most cruel. Yet the hymen [...] remains an object of worship among many religions and societies around the world... #NicholasDKristof — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 31, 2024

The six Gulf Cooperation countries comprising Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Oman had granted asylum to a grand total of zero Syrian refugees by 2016. #DouglasMurray

The six Gulf Cooperation countries comprising Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Oman had granted asylum to a grand total of zero Syrian refugees by 2016. #DouglasMurray — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 30, 2024

The French philosopher Andr矇 Comte-Sponville argues that politeness is the prerequisite for the great virtues: Morality is like a politeness of the soul, an etiquette of inner life, a code of duties. It is a series of practices that make you considerate of others. #DavidBrooks

The French philosopher Andr矇 Comte-Sponville argues that politeness is the prerequisite for the great virtues: Morality is like a politeness of the soul, an etiquette of inner life, a code of duties. It is a series of practices that make you considerate of others. #DavidBrooks — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 30, 2024

This hierarchy [scripture/memory] turns one thing into sacred, another into filthy. What we consider sacred becomes an authority; what comes from an authority becomes our truth. And this kind of truth renders us incapable, paradoxically, of ever experiencing real truth! #Sadhguru

This hierarchy [scripture/memory] turns one thing into sacred, another into filthy. What we consider sacred becomes an authority; what comes from an authority becomes our truth. And this kind of truth renders us incapable, paradoxically, of ever experiencing real truth! #Sadhguru — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 30, 2024 evolutionary social scientists like to say, the WEIRD ones: Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic. At least, the highly educated among us are, in our best moments. #StevenPinker evolutionary social scientists like to say, the WEIRD ones: Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic. At least, the highly educated among us are, in our best moments. #StevenPinker — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 30, 2024

Ethics is the triumph of freedom over facticity. #SimonedeBeauvoir

Ethics is the triumph of freedom over facticity. #SimonedeBeauvoir — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 30, 2024

Suffice it to say that deception is simply part of human nature--a fact that makes perfect sense in light of the competitive (selfish) logic of evolution. Deception allows us to reap certain benefits without paying the full costs. #KevinSimler

Suffice it to say that deception is simply part of human nature--a fact that makes perfect sense in light of the competitive (selfish) logic of evolution. Deception allows us to reap certain benefits without paying the full costs. #KevinSimler — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 29, 2024

Something seems wrong in a world where half the e-mail messages sent are urgent. Can everything really be that important? #GeneKim

Something seems wrong in a world where half the e-mail messages sent are urgent. Can everything really be that important? #GeneKim — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 29, 2024

If you're smart, you're going to make a lot of money without borrowing. #WarrenBuffett

If you're smart, you're going to make a lot of money without borrowing. #WarrenBuffett — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 29, 2024

Anonymity fosters deindividuation--the loss of an individual sense of self--which lessens self-restraint and increases one's willingness to go along with the mob. #JonathanHaidt

Anonymity fosters deindividuation--the loss of an individual sense of self--which lessens self-restraint and increases one's willingness to go along with the mob. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 29, 2024

We need to imagine the turmoil, disappointment, worry and sheer confusion in people who may outwardly appear merely aggressive. #TheSchoolOfLife

We need to imagine the turmoil, disappointment, worry and sheer confusion in people who may outwardly appear merely aggressive. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 29, 2024

Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. #FrancisBacon

Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. #FrancisBacon — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 29, 2024

Gallup found that the proportion of Americans who never read a book in any given year tripled between 1978 and 2014 [...] This has escalated to the point that by 2017, the average American spent seventeen minutes a day reading books and 5.4 hours on their phone. #JohannHari

Gallup found that the proportion of Americans who never read a book in any given year tripled between 1978 and 2014 [...] This has escalated to the point that by 2017, the average American spent seventeen minutes a day reading books and 5.4 hours on their phone. #JohannHari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 28, 2024

As we've seen, all criticism, attack, insults, and judgments vanish when we focus attention on hearing the feelings and needs behind a message. #MarshallRosenberg

As we've seen, all criticism, attack, insults, and judgments vanish when we focus attention on hearing the feelings and needs behind a message. #MarshallRosenberg — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 28, 2024

If you really want truth, you need to escape the black hole of power and allow yourself to waste a lot of time wandering here and there on the periphery. Revolutionary knowledge rarely makes it to the center, because the center is built on existing knowledge #YuvalNoahHarari

If you really want truth, you need to escape the black hole of power and allow yourself to waste a lot of time wandering here and there on the periphery. Revolutionary knowledge rarely makes it to the center, because the center is built on existing knowledge #YuvalNoahHarari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 28, 2024

Would a musician feel flattered by the loud applause of an audience if he knew that they were nearly all deaf, and that, to conceal their infirmity, they set to work to clap vigorously as soon as ever they saw one or two persons applauding? #Schopenhauer

Would a musician feel flattered by the loud applause of an audience if he knew that they were nearly all deaf, and that, to conceal their infirmity, they set to work to clap vigorously as soon as ever they saw one or two persons applauding? #Schopenhauer — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 28, 2024

It isn't a coincidence that skepticism about climate change tends to be the preserve of the nationalist right. You rarely see left-wing socialists tweet that climate change is a Chinese hoax. #YuvalNoahHarari

It isn't a coincidence that skepticism about climate change tends to be the preserve of the nationalist right. You rarely see left-wing socialists tweet that climate change is a Chinese hoax. #YuvalNoahHarari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 28, 2024

We need a moral system that can resolve disagreements among groups with different moral ideals, just as ordinary, first-order morality resolves disagreements among individuals with different selfish interests. #JoshuaGreene

We need a moral system that can resolve disagreements among groups with different moral ideals, just as ordinary, first-order morality resolves disagreements among individuals with different selfish interests. #JoshuaGreene — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 28, 2024

Just below the surface, love contains a hope for reparation and education. We usually think of education as something harsh imposed upon us against our will, but love promises to educate us in a more gentle and seductive way. #TheSchoolOfLife

Just below the surface, love contains a hope for reparation and education. We usually think of education as something harsh imposed upon us against our will, but love promises to educate us in a more gentle and seductive way. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 27, 2024

The idea that the right way of valuing goods and social practices depends on the purposes and ends those practices serve. #MichaelSandel

The idea that the right way of valuing goods and social practices depends on the purposes and ends those practices serve. #MichaelSandel — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 27, 2024

Mathematics leads you to a very scary conclusion: since there is only one real world, whereas the number of potential virtual worlds is infinite, the probability that you happen to inhabit the sole real world is almost zero. #YuvalNoahHarari

Mathematics leads you to a very scary conclusion: since there is only one real world, whereas the number of potential virtual worlds is infinite, the probability that you happen to inhabit the sole real world is almost zero. #YuvalNoahHarari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 27, 2024

Trauma leaves your shipwrecked. You are left to rebuild your inner world. #BruceDPerry

Trauma leaves your shipwrecked. You are left to rebuild your inner world. #BruceDPerry — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 27, 2024

You will accumulate more knowledge and more books as you grow older, and the growing number of unread books on the shelves will look at you menancingly. Indeed, the more you know, the larger the rows of unread books. Let us call this [an antilibrary]. #NassimNicholasTaleb

You will accumulate more knowledge and more books as you grow older, and the growing number of unread books on the shelves will look at you menancingly. Indeed, the more you know, the larger the rows of unread books. Let us call this [an antilibrary]. #NassimNicholasTaleb — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 27, 2024

Pay attention to your own actions--the little things you say and do--as well as what behaviors you are rewarding or discouraging. All of it works together to tell the story of what you care about and how you believe a great team should work together. #JulieZhuo

Pay attention to your own actions--the little things you say and do--as well as what behaviors you are rewarding or discouraging. All of it works together to tell the story of what you care about and how you believe a great team should work together. #JulieZhuo — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 27, 2024

We'd interpret our worries, reversals and troubles as unavoidable landmarks, not aberrations or fateful warnings. Confidence isn't the belief that we won't meet obstacles: it is the recognition difficulties are an inescapable part of all worthwhile contributions. #TheSchoolOfLife

We'd interpret our worries, reversals and troubles as unavoidable landmarks, not aberrations or fateful warnings. Confidence isn't the belief that we won't meet obstacles: it is the recognition difficulties are an inescapable part of all worthwhile contributions. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 26, 2024

Political scientists followed up on Todorov's initial research by identifying a category of voters for whom [System 1/intuition likely plays] a large role. They found what they were looking for among politically uninformed voters who watch a great deal of [TV] #DanielKahneman

Political scientists followed up on Todorov's initial research by identifying a category of voters for whom [System 1/intuition likely plays] a large role. They found what they were looking for among politically uninformed voters who watch a great deal of [TV] #DanielKahneman — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 26, 2024

Pain is inevitable, from this perspective, but suffering is an optional extra, resulting from our attachments, which represent our attempt to try to deny the unavoidable truth that everything is impermanent. #OliverBurkeman

Pain is inevitable, from this perspective, but suffering is an optional extra, resulting from our attachments, which represent our attempt to try to deny the unavoidable truth that everything is impermanent. #OliverBurkeman — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 26, 2024

If you own this story you get to write the ending. #BreneBrown

If you own this story you get to write the ending. #BreneBrown — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 26, 2024

Focusing on individual and aggregate happiness was here [...] an obvious strategy to side-line an deflect attention from more objective and complex socio-economic indicators of welfare and the good life, such as redistribution of income, material inequalities... #EvaIllouz

Focusing on individual and aggregate happiness was here [...] an obvious strategy to side-line an deflect attention from more objective and complex socio-economic indicators of welfare and the good life, such as redistribution of income, material inequalities... #EvaIllouz — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 26, 2024

If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning. #MahatmaGandhi

If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning. #MahatmaGandhi — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 25, 2024

...only properly bad people don't lie awake at night worrying about their characters. It has generally never occurred to the most difficult or dangerous people on the planet that they might be lacking. #TheSchoolOfLife

...only properly bad people don't lie awake at night worrying about their characters. It has generally never occurred to the most difficult or dangerous people on the planet that they might be lacking. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 25, 2024

Stoic tranquility was a psychological state marked by the absence of negative emotions, such as grief, anger, and anxiety, and the presence of positive emotions, such as joy. #WilliamBIrvine

Stoic tranquility was a psychological state marked by the absence of negative emotions, such as grief, anger, and anxiety, and the presence of positive emotions, such as joy. #WilliamBIrvine — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 25, 2024

Once your mind is inhabited with a certain view of the world, you will tend to only consider instances proving you to be right. Paradoxically, the more information you have, the more justified you will feel in your views. #NassimNicholasTaleb

Once your mind is inhabited with a certain view of the world, you will tend to only consider instances proving you to be right. Paradoxically, the more information you have, the more justified you will feel in your views. #NassimNicholasTaleb — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 25, 2024

...humans (and all other species for that matter) are locked in the game of natural selection, which often rewards selfish, competitive behavior #RobinHanson

...humans (and all other species for that matter) are locked in the game of natural selection, which often rewards selfish, competitive behavior #RobinHanson — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 25, 2024

Many parents, K-12 teachers, professors, and university administrators have been unknowingly teaching a generation of students to engage in the mental habits commonly seen in people who suffer from anxiety and depression. #JonathanHaidt

Many parents, K-12 teachers, professors, and university administrators have been unknowingly teaching a generation of students to engage in the mental habits commonly seen in people who suffer from anxiety and depression. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 25, 2024

One has many more supposed friends when one is up than when one is down, because most people like to be with winners and shun losers. True friends are the opposite. #RayDalio

One has many more supposed friends when one is up than when one is down, because most people like to be with winners and shun losers. True friends are the opposite. #RayDalio — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 24, 2024

Empathetic listening is an awesome medication for the hurting heart. #GaryChapman

Empathetic listening is an awesome medication for the hurting heart. #GaryChapman — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 24, 2024

Chinese students, while they enjoyed their personal freedom, also felt lonely and helpless. The loneliness was deepened by the students' separation from their country, families, friends, and relatives and by their marginalized status as foreigners. #QianNing

Chinese students, while they enjoyed their personal freedom, also felt lonely and helpless. The loneliness was deepened by the students' separation from their country, families, friends, and relatives and by their marginalized status as foreigners. #QianNing — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 24, 2024

I've become quite efficient, both technically and physically, at opening a hole in the hard rock and locating a new water vein. So as soon as I notice one water source drying up, I can move on right away to another. #HarukiMurakami

I've become quite efficient, both technically and physically, at opening a hole in the hard rock and locating a new water vein. So as soon as I notice one water source drying up, I can move on right away to another. #HarukiMurakami — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 24, 2024

If you are to punish a man retributively you must injure him. If you are to reform him you must improve him. And men are not improved by injuries. #GeorgeBernardShaw

If you are to punish a man retributively you must injure him. If you are to reform him you must improve him. And men are not improved by injuries. #GeorgeBernardShaw — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 24, 2024

The people in your life who have been hard to please do not represent normality. #TheSchoolOfLife

The people in your life who have been hard to please do not represent normality. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 24, 2024

The very word discovery has something bluntly un-Classical in it. Classical man took good care not to take the cover, the material wrapping, off anything cosmic, but to do just this is the most characteristic impulse of a Faustian nature. #OswaldSpengler

The very word discovery has something bluntly un-Classical in it. Classical man took good care not to take the cover, the material wrapping, off anything cosmic, but to do just this is the most characteristic impulse of a Faustian nature. #OswaldSpengler — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 23, 2024

The young girl throws herself into things with ardor, because she is not yet deprived of her transcendence; and the fact that she accomplishes nothing, that she is nothing, will make her impulses only the more passionate. #SimonedeBeauvoir

The young girl throws herself into things with ardor, because she is not yet deprived of her transcendence; and the fact that she accomplishes nothing, that she is nothing, will make her impulses only the more passionate. #SimonedeBeauvoir — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 23, 2024

The problem lay buried, unspoken, for many years in the minds of American women. It was a strange stirring, a sense of dissatisfaction, a yearning that women suffered in the middle of the twentieth century in the United States. #BettyFriedan

The problem lay buried, unspoken, for many years in the minds of American women. It was a strange stirring, a sense of dissatisfaction, a yearning that women suffered in the middle of the twentieth century in the United States. #BettyFriedan — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 23, 2024

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. #CarlSagan

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. #CarlSagan — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 23, 2024

When you say something really unkind, when you do something in retaliation your anger increases. You make the other person suffer, and he will try hard to say or to do something back to get relief from his suffering. That is how conflict escalates. #ThichNhatHanh

When you say something really unkind, when you do something in retaliation your anger increases. You make the other person suffer, and he will try hard to say or to do something back to get relief from his suffering. That is how conflict escalates. #ThichNhatHanh — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 23, 2024

And that was the real import of this morning: not that a disgruntled young Gestapo officer yelled at me, but that I felt no indignation, rather a real compassion #MarshallRosenberg

And that was the real import of this morning: not that a disgruntled young Gestapo officer yelled at me, but that I felt no indignation, rather a real compassion #MarshallRosenberg — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 23, 2024

What actually causes suffering are the beliefs you hold about those things. #OliverBurkeman

What actually causes suffering are the beliefs you hold about those things. #OliverBurkeman — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 22, 2024

The great metropolitan centres are too big to love. They constantly force us to admit that we are nothing. #TheSchoolOfLife

The great metropolitan centres are too big to love. They constantly force us to admit that we are nothing. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 22, 2024

What really counts is having the right plans to work from in the first place. #TheSchoolOfLife

What really counts is having the right plans to work from in the first place. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 22, 2024

[The ideals of our society] tend to be pegged to financial success, sexual propriety, decorum, marriage, sobriety, the sanctity of family and the purity of children. The more of these ideals one flouts, the harsher will be the penalties. #TheSchoolOfLife

[The ideals of our society] tend to be pegged to financial success, sexual propriety, decorum, marriage, sobriety, the sanctity of family and the purity of children. The more of these ideals one flouts, the harsher will be the penalties. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 22, 2024

Oxytocin is a neurotransmitter and hormone that plays an important role in maternal care in many mammalian species. Genes that increase the human brain's sensitivity to oxytocin are correlated with higher levels of empathy, and spraying oxytocin into people's noses #JoshuaGreene

Oxytocin is a neurotransmitter and hormone that plays an important role in maternal care in many mammalian species. Genes that increase the human brain's sensitivity to oxytocin are correlated with higher levels of empathy, and spraying oxytocin into people's noses #JoshuaGreene — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 22, 2024

When self-esteem is low, we are often manipulated by fear... We live more to avoid pain than to experience joy. #NathanielBranden

When self-esteem is low, we are often manipulated by fear... We live more to avoid pain than to experience joy. #NathanielBranden — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 22, 2024

[Eastern Germans] were indoctrinated by central planning theories and abhorred the idea of free enterprise, of many competing industries and the successful ones growing at the expense of the unsuccessful. It was not in their culture. #LeeKuanYew

[Eastern Germans] were indoctrinated by central planning theories and abhorred the idea of free enterprise, of many competing industries and the successful ones growing at the expense of the unsuccessful. It was not in their culture. #LeeKuanYew — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 21, 2024

In a nation distracted by faction [...] a solitary individual, without any influence, excluded, by his own candour, from the confidence of either party, and who, though he may be one of the wisest, is necessarily [...] one of the most insignificant men in the society. #AdamSmith

In a nation distracted by faction [...] a solitary individual, without any influence, excluded, by his own candour, from the confidence of either party, and who, though he may be one of the wisest, is necessarily [...] one of the most insignificant men in the society. #AdamSmith — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 21, 2024

Grand theory is drunk on syntax, blind to semantics. Its practitioners do not truly understand that when we define a word we are merely inviting others to use it as we would like it to be used; that the purpose of definition is to focus argument upon fact... #CWrightMills

Grand theory is drunk on syntax, blind to semantics. Its practitioners do not truly understand that when we define a word we are merely inviting others to use it as we would like it to be used; that the purpose of definition is to focus argument upon fact... #CWrightMills — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 21, 2024

[While many people] would enjoy being part of such a community, how many are willing to pay their dues by adopting a worldview that conflicts with so many of their other beliefs, and which nonbelievers are apt to ridicule? These high costs are exactly the point. #RobinHanson

[While many people] would enjoy being part of such a community, how many are willing to pay their dues by adopting a worldview that conflicts with so many of their other beliefs, and which nonbelievers are apt to ridicule? These high costs are exactly the point. #RobinHanson — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 21, 2024

The principle must always rule that ideas are not born of other ideas, philosophies of other philosophies; they are a continually renewed expression of real historical development. #AntonioGramsci

The principle must always rule that ideas are not born of other ideas, philosophies of other philosophies; they are a continually renewed expression of real historical development. #AntonioGramsci — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 21, 2024

Some nations are like trees, they grow tall and straight, and they do not need support. And some nations are like creepers, they depend on a tree and they creep up the tree. #LeeKuanYew

Some nations are like trees, they grow tall and straight, and they do not need support. And some nations are like creepers, they depend on a tree and they creep up the tree. #LeeKuanYew — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 21, 2024

If you can't solve a problem, it's because you're playing by the rules. #PaulArden

If you can't solve a problem, it's because you're playing by the rules. #PaulArden — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 20, 2024

One can try to evade the problem by adopting a 'morality of intentions'. What's important is what I intend, not what I actually do or the outcome of what I do [but in an interconnected world] the supreme moral imperative becomes the imperative to know. #YuvalNoahHarari

One can try to evade the problem by adopting a 'morality of intentions'. What's important is what I intend, not what I actually do or the outcome of what I do [but in an interconnected world] the supreme moral imperative becomes the imperative to know. #YuvalNoahHarari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 20, 2024

In my emotional impoverishment, I tend to see other people essentially as sources of approval or disapproval. I do not appreciate them for who they are in their own right. I see only what they can or cannot do for me. #NathanielBranden

In my emotional impoverishment, I tend to see other people essentially as sources of approval or disapproval. I do not appreciate them for who they are in their own right. I see only what they can or cannot do for me. #NathanielBranden — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 20, 2024

...insisting that a college degree is the primary route to a respectable job and a decent life creates a credentialist prejudice that undermines the dignity of work and demeans those who have not been to college. #MichaelSandel

...insisting that a college degree is the primary route to a respectable job and a decent life creates a credentialist prejudice that undermines the dignity of work and demeans those who have not been to college. #MichaelSandel — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 20, 2024

By the time it came to the edge of the Forest the stream had grown up, so that it was almost a river, and, being grown-up, it did not run and jump and sparkle as it used to do when it was younger, but moved more slowly. For it knew now where it was going... #BenjaminHoff

By the time it came to the edge of the Forest the stream had grown up, so that it was almost a river, and, being grown-up, it did not run and jump and sparkle as it used to do when it was younger, but moved more slowly. For it knew now where it was going... #BenjaminHoff — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 20, 2024

Awareness of a problem does not mean much--particularly when you have special interests and self-serving institutions in play. #NassimNicholasTaleb

Awareness of a problem does not mean much--particularly when you have special interests and self-serving institutions in play. #NassimNicholasTaleb — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 20, 2024

In comparison with the horror of our final exit, the pains and troubles of our bolder moves and riskier ventures do not, in the end, seem so terrifying. We should learn to frighten ourselves a bit more in one area to be less scared in others. #TheSchoolOfLife

In comparison with the horror of our final exit, the pains and troubles of our bolder moves and riskier ventures do not, in the end, seem so terrifying. We should learn to frighten ourselves a bit more in one area to be less scared in others. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 19, 2024

What we learn is how important modesty of ambition is. It's where we see how love can be so beneficially detached from expectation and from reciprocation. The grandmother never hopes to be understood by the child. #TheSchoolOfLife

What we learn is how important modesty of ambition is. It's where we see how love can be so beneficially detached from expectation and from reciprocation. The grandmother never hopes to be understood by the child. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 19, 2024

Ask yourself whether you are happy', observed the philosopher John Stuart Mill, 'and you cease to be so.' At best, it would appear, happiness can only be glimpsed out of the corner of an eye, not stared at directly. #OliverBurkeman

Ask yourself whether you are happy', observed the philosopher John Stuart Mill, 'and you cease to be so.' At best, it would appear, happiness can only be glimpsed out of the corner of an eye, not stared at directly. #OliverBurkeman — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 19, 2024

How frighteningly few are the persons whose death would spoil our appetite and make the world seem empty. #EricHoffer

How frighteningly few are the persons whose death would spoil our appetite and make the world seem empty. #EricHoffer — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 19, 2024

How much money is enough? How many purchases are necessary to secure happiness? Enjoy your work, then forget it. Let the eyes and arms of your beloved wash it all away. #WilliamMartin

How much money is enough? How many purchases are necessary to secure happiness? Enjoy your work, then forget it. Let the eyes and arms of your beloved wash it all away. #WilliamMartin — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 19, 2024 so many love stories, there is simply nothing else for the narrator to do with a couple after they have triumphed over a range of initial obstacles other than to consign them to an ill-defined contented future--or kill them off. #AlaindeBotton so many love stories, there is simply nothing else for the narrator to do with a couple after they have triumphed over a range of initial obstacles other than to consign them to an ill-defined contented future--or kill them off. #AlaindeBotton — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 18, 2024

Once-poor places [like] Singapore achieved prosperity through freer international trade and investment became so blatant [...] that, by the end of the 20th century, the governments of many other countries began abandoning their zero-sum view of economic transactions #ThomasSowell

Once-poor places [like] Singapore achieved prosperity through freer international trade and investment became so blatant [...] that, by the end of the 20th century, the governments of many other countries began abandoning their zero-sum view of economic transactions #ThomasSowell — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 18, 2024

[On democratic voting] If the experience of other voters is alien to me, and if I believe they don't understand my feelings and don't care about my vital interests, then even if I am outvoted by a hundred to one I have absolutely no reason to accept the verdict. #YuvalNoahHarari

[On democratic voting] If the experience of other voters is alien to me, and if I believe they don't understand my feelings and don't care about my vital interests, then even if I am outvoted by a hundred to one I have absolutely no reason to accept the verdict. #YuvalNoahHarari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 18, 2024

You can learn more about cultivating the intellectual virtues and about how to incorporate them in schools at and in the writings of Jason Baehr, a professor of philosophy at Loyola Marymount University #JonathanHaidt

You can learn more about cultivating the intellectual virtues and about how to incorporate them in schools at and in the writings of Jason Baehr, a professor of philosophy at Loyola Marymount University #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 18, 2024

...people are often positively rewarded--with friendship, social status, a better reputation--for their service to others. #KevinSimler

...people are often positively rewarded--with friendship, social status, a better reputation--for their service to others. #KevinSimler — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 18, 2024

...we can never go back and recapture time that is now gone. So it makes no sense to let opportunities pass us by for fear of squandering our money. Squandering our lives should be a greater worry. #BillPerkins

...we can never go back and recapture time that is now gone. So it makes no sense to let opportunities pass us by for fear of squandering our money. Squandering our lives should be a greater worry. #BillPerkins — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 17, 2024

Neither [side] should seek hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region and each is opposed to efforts by any other country or group of countries to establish such hegemony. #HenryKissinger

Neither [side] should seek hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region and each is opposed to efforts by any other country or group of countries to establish such hegemony. #HenryKissinger — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 17, 2024

For all but our most recent history, death was a common, ever-present possibility. It didn't matter whether you were five or fifty. Every day was a roll of the dice. #AtulGawande

For all but our most recent history, death was a common, ever-present possibility. It didn't matter whether you were five or fifty. Every day was a roll of the dice. #AtulGawande — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 17, 2024

This finding, that people will readily fabricate reasons to explain their own behavior, is called confabulation. #JonathanHaidt

This finding, that people will readily fabricate reasons to explain their own behavior, is called confabulation. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 17, 2024

If sex isn't worth of its own moral category, then nor is sexual harassment or rape. #LouisePerry

If sex isn't worth of its own moral category, then nor is sexual harassment or rape. #LouisePerry — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 17, 2024

It did not really matter what we expected from life, he wrote, but rather what life expected from us. We needed to stop asking the meaning of life, and instead think of ourselves as those who were being questioned by life--daily and hourly. #DavidBrooks

It did not really matter what we expected from life, he wrote, but rather what life expected from us. We needed to stop asking the meaning of life, and instead think of ourselves as those who were being questioned by life--daily and hourly. #DavidBrooks — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 17, 2024

The result: those who saw a palliative care specialist stopped chemotherapy sooner, entered hospice far earlier, experienced less suffering at the end of their lives--and they lived 25 percent longer. #AtulGawande

The result: those who saw a palliative care specialist stopped chemotherapy sooner, entered hospice far earlier, experienced less suffering at the end of their lives--and they lived 25 percent longer. #AtulGawande — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 16, 2024

It is useful to remember, however, that neglecting valid stereotypes inevitably results in suboptimal judgments. Resistance to stereotyping is a laudable moral position, but the simplistic idea that the resistance is costless is wrong. #DanielKahneman

It is useful to remember, however, that neglecting valid stereotypes inevitably results in suboptimal judgments. Resistance to stereotyping is a laudable moral position, but the simplistic idea that the resistance is costless is wrong. #DanielKahneman — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 16, 2024

The study of his own advantage naturally, or rather necessarily, leads him to prefer that employment which is most advantageous to society. #AdamSmith

The study of his own advantage naturally, or rather necessarily, leads him to prefer that employment which is most advantageous to society. #AdamSmith — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 16, 2024

The filter bubble, in which search engines and YouTube algorithms are designed to give you more of what you seem to be interested in, leading conservatives and progressives into disconnected moral matrices backed up by mutually contradictory informational worlds. #JonathanHaidt

The filter bubble, in which search engines and YouTube algorithms are designed to give you more of what you seem to be interested in, leading conservatives and progressives into disconnected moral matrices backed up by mutually contradictory informational worlds. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 16, 2024

...divorce rates have been higher in some regions and periods than they are in Europe and North America today. #StephanieCoontz

...divorce rates have been higher in some regions and periods than they are in Europe and North America today. #StephanieCoontz — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 16, 2024

The psychologist, Paul Rozin, an expert on disgust, observed that a single cockroach will completely wreck the appeal of a bowl of cherries, but a cherry will do nothing at all for a bowl of cockroaches. #DanielKahneman

The psychologist, Paul Rozin, an expert on disgust, observed that a single cockroach will completely wreck the appeal of a bowl of cherries, but a cherry will do nothing at all for a bowl of cockroaches. #DanielKahneman — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 16, 2024

You complain that your tree is not valuable as lumber. But you could make use of the shade it provides, rest under its sheltering branches, and stroll beneath it, admiring its character and appearance. #BenjaminHoff

You complain that your tree is not valuable as lumber. But you could make use of the shade it provides, rest under its sheltering branches, and stroll beneath it, admiring its character and appearance. #BenjaminHoff — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 15, 2024

You can rationalize all you want; the hippocampus takes the insult of chronic stress seriously, incurring irreversible atrophy. Contrary to popular belief, these small, seemingly harmless stressors do not strengthen you; they can amputate part of your self. #NassimNicholasTaleb

You can rationalize all you want; the hippocampus takes the insult of chronic stress seriously, incurring irreversible atrophy. Contrary to popular belief, these small, seemingly harmless stressors do not strengthen you; they can amputate part of your self. #NassimNicholasTaleb — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 15, 2024

Confirmation bias tricks like cherry-picking, motivated skepticism, and motivated reasoning benefit hugely from economies of scale, as the snappiest and most convincing articulations of the sacred ideas spread quickly through the system. #TimUrban

Confirmation bias tricks like cherry-picking, motivated skepticism, and motivated reasoning benefit hugely from economies of scale, as the snappiest and most convincing articulations of the sacred ideas spread quickly through the system. #TimUrban — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 15, 2024

[This does not mean] he lacks confidence, only that he holds his own knowledge to be suspect. I will call such a person an epistemocrat; the province where the laws are structured with this kind of human fallibility in mind I will can an epistemocracy. #NassimNicholasTaleb

[This does not mean] he lacks confidence, only that he holds his own knowledge to be suspect. I will call such a person an epistemocrat; the province where the laws are structured with this kind of human fallibility in mind I will can an epistemocracy. #NassimNicholasTaleb — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 15, 2024

Melancholy is not rage or bitterness, it is a noble species of sadness that arises when we are open to the fact that disappointment is at the heart of human experience. #TheSchoolOfLife

Melancholy is not rage or bitterness, it is a noble species of sadness that arises when we are open to the fact that disappointment is at the heart of human experience. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 15, 2024

Crafting the 'honest' message takes a lot of time and thought. And no matter how delicately you do it, it feels cold and mean to reject someone. It's just easier on many levels to say nothing or pretend to be busy until people get the picture. #AzizAnsari

Crafting the 'honest' message takes a lot of time and thought. And no matter how delicately you do it, it feels cold and mean to reject someone. It's just easier on many levels to say nothing or pretend to be busy until people get the picture. #AzizAnsari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 15, 2024

Whatever your role is--parent, sibling, citizen, worker, role model, president--you can do that thing in an exemplary fashion. Be the best you can be at what you are. Engage; inspire. #DerrenBrown

Whatever your role is--parent, sibling, citizen, worker, role model, president--you can do that thing in an exemplary fashion. Be the best you can be at what you are. Engage; inspire. #DerrenBrown — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 14, 2024

Thrashing is a very recognizable human state. If you've ever had a moment where you wanted to stop doing everything just to have the chance to write down everything you were supposed to be doing, but couldn't spare the time, you've thrashed. #BrianChristian

Thrashing is a very recognizable human state. If you've ever had a moment where you wanted to stop doing everything just to have the chance to write down everything you were supposed to be doing, but couldn't spare the time, you've thrashed. #BrianChristian — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 14, 2024

Old soldiers never die; they only fade away. #Anonymous

Old soldiers never die; they only fade away. #Anonymous — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 14, 2024

By the standards of most love stories, our own, real relationships are almost all damaged and unsatisfactory. No wonder separation and divorce so often appear inevitable. #AlaindeBotton

By the standards of most love stories, our own, real relationships are almost all damaged and unsatisfactory. No wonder separation and divorce so often appear inevitable. #AlaindeBotton — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 14, 2024

The successful alpinist of organizational pyramids may not be the best at their jobs, but those who have best mastered a range of dark political arts in which civilized life does not usually offer instruction. #AlaindeBotton

The successful alpinist of organizational pyramids may not be the best at their jobs, but those who have best mastered a range of dark political arts in which civilized life does not usually offer instruction. #AlaindeBotton — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 13, 2024

Since Peter the Great, Russia had been expanding at the rate of one Belgium per year. #HenryKissinger

Since Peter the Great, Russia had been expanding at the rate of one Belgium per year. #HenryKissinger — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 13, 2024

Women's empowerment helps raise economic productivity and reduce infant mortality. It contributes to improved health and nutrition. It increases the chances of education for the next generation. #NicholasDKristof

Women's empowerment helps raise economic productivity and reduce infant mortality. It contributes to improved health and nutrition. It increases the chances of education for the next generation. #NicholasDKristof — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 13, 2024 small shift in Lisa's perception that day in Cairo--the conviction that she had to give up smoking to accomplish her goal--had touched off a series of changes that would ultimately radiate out to every part of her life. #CharlesDuhigg small shift in Lisa's perception that day in Cairo--the conviction that she had to give up smoking to accomplish her goal--had touched off a series of changes that would ultimately radiate out to every part of her life. #CharlesDuhigg — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 13, 2024

With all foreign travel, you learn as much about where you're from as what you're visiting. #JonathanHaidt

With all foreign travel, you learn as much about where you're from as what you're visiting. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 13, 2024

No society arbitrarily decides to convey interest by closing their eyes [...] because the very meaning of interest implies a desire to pay attention and learn more. By the same principle, closing one's eyes or looking away tends to convey some kind of aversion... #RobinHanson

No society arbitrarily decides to convey interest by closing their eyes [...] because the very meaning of interest implies a desire to pay attention and learn more. By the same principle, closing one's eyes or looking away tends to convey some kind of aversion... #RobinHanson — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 13, 2024

Until fifty years ago, men typically under-reported how much household work or child care they did because they did not want to admit to doing women's work. It is a huge step forward that men think they should say they do more than they actually do. #StephanieCoontz

Until fifty years ago, men typically under-reported how much household work or child care they did because they did not want to admit to doing women's work. It is a huge step forward that men think they should say they do more than they actually do. #StephanieCoontz — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 12, 2024

Death is the enemy. But the enemy has superior forces. Eventually, it wins. #AtulGawande

Death is the enemy. But the enemy has superior forces. Eventually, it wins. #AtulGawande — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 12, 2024

In the name of great openness, we became close-minded, and in the name of progress, we absorbed ideas that turned out to be highly regressive. #DouglasMurray

In the name of great openness, we became close-minded, and in the name of progress, we absorbed ideas that turned out to be highly regressive. #DouglasMurray — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 12, 2024

...UCLA survey a nationwide sample of college freshmen to gauge their values and what they want out of life. In 1966, 80 percent of freshmen said that they were strongly motivated to develop a meaningful philosophy of life. Today, less than half of them say that. #DavidBrooks

...UCLA survey a nationwide sample of college freshmen to gauge their values and what they want out of life. In 1966, 80 percent of freshmen said that they were strongly motivated to develop a meaningful philosophy of life. Today, less than half of them say that. #DavidBrooks — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 12, 2024

When you fall in love with the process rather than the product, you don't have to wait to give yourself permission to be happy. You can be satisfied anytime your system is running. #JamesClear

When you fall in love with the process rather than the product, you don't have to wait to give yourself permission to be happy. You can be satisfied anytime your system is running. #JamesClear — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 12, 2024

Baumeister questions the usefulness of programs that try raise children's self-esteem directly instead of by teaching them skills they can be proud of. #JonathanHaidt

Baumeister questions the usefulness of programs that try raise children's self-esteem directly instead of by teaching them skills they can be proud of. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 11, 2024

Children project souls into their favorite stuffed animals and commune with them in the way adults commune with religious icons. Years later he would remember a happy childhood, but it was interwoven with painful separations, confusions, misapprehensions, traumas... #DavidBrooks

Children project souls into their favorite stuffed animals and commune with them in the way adults commune with religious icons. Years later he would remember a happy childhood, but it was interwoven with painful separations, confusions, misapprehensions, traumas... #DavidBrooks — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 11, 2024

But without the idea of tragedy, we make existence for everyone far crueller and more judgemental than it need be. #TheSchoolOfLife

But without the idea of tragedy, we make existence for everyone far crueller and more judgemental than it need be. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 11, 2024

Motion makes you feel like you're getting things done. But really, you're just preparing to get something done. When preparation becomes a form of procrastination, you need to change something. You don't want to merely be planning. You want to be practicing. #JamesClear

Motion makes you feel like you're getting things done. But really, you're just preparing to get something done. When preparation becomes a form of procrastination, you need to change something. You don't want to merely be planning. You want to be practicing. #JamesClear — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 11, 2024

Understanding how to act under conditions of incomplete information is the highest and most urgent human pursuit. #NassimNicholasTaleb

Understanding how to act under conditions of incomplete information is the highest and most urgent human pursuit. #NassimNicholasTaleb — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 11, 2024

Life is not a game of Space Invaders--you don't get points for all the money you rack up in the game--but many people treat it as though it were. They just keep earning and earning, trying to maximize their wealth without giving nearly as much thought... #BillPerkins

Life is not a game of Space Invaders--you don't get points for all the money you rack up in the game--but many people treat it as though it were. They just keep earning and earning, trying to maximize their wealth without giving nearly as much thought... #BillPerkins — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 10, 2024

We are angry because we would like to change something in the world (or maybe in ourselves), something that seems to be unjust. #DerrenBrown

We are angry because we would like to change something in the world (or maybe in ourselves), something that seems to be unjust. #DerrenBrown — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 10, 2024

We are as clever with our machines and technologies as we are simple-minded in the management of our emotions. #AlaindeBotton

We are as clever with our machines and technologies as we are simple-minded in the management of our emotions. #AlaindeBotton — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 10, 2024 the 1920s, women had to sew more of their own clothes, can more of their own preserves, do more of their cooking from scratch. Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without was a popular saying of the day. #StephanieCoontz the 1920s, women had to sew more of their own clothes, can more of their own preserves, do more of their cooking from scratch. Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without was a popular saying of the day. #StephanieCoontz — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 10, 2024

To pursue an undergraduate degree means sacrifice and study, and the choice of a given discipline means forgoing the possibility of other pathways of study. The same goes for selecting a partner or group of friends. #JordanPeterson

To pursue an undergraduate degree means sacrifice and study, and the choice of a given discipline means forgoing the possibility of other pathways of study. The same goes for selecting a partner or group of friends. #JordanPeterson — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 10, 2024

If the nation is facing external invasion or diabolical subversion, who has the time to worry about overcrowded hospitals and polluted rivers? By manufacturing a never-ending stream of crises, a corrupt oligarchy can prolong its rule indefinitely. #YuvalNoahHarari

If the nation is facing external invasion or diabolical subversion, who has the time to worry about overcrowded hospitals and polluted rivers? By manufacturing a never-ending stream of crises, a corrupt oligarchy can prolong its rule indefinitely. #YuvalNoahHarari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 9, 2024 can follow the imperative for autonomy more consistently and for a longer part of their lives and, as a result, they can exert emotional domination over women's desire for attachment, compelling them to mute their longing for attachment and to imitate men... #EvaIllouz can follow the imperative for autonomy more consistently and for a longer part of their lives and, as a result, they can exert emotional domination over women's desire for attachment, compelling them to mute their longing for attachment and to imitate men... #EvaIllouz — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 9, 2024

Of all the judgements we pass, none is as important as the one we pass on ourselves. #NathanielBranden

Of all the judgements we pass, none is as important as the one we pass on ourselves. #NathanielBranden — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 9, 2024

It's hard to tell the difference between sea and sky, between voyager and sea. Between reality and the workings of the heart. #HarukiMurakami

It's hard to tell the difference between sea and sky, between voyager and sea. Between reality and the workings of the heart. #HarukiMurakami — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 9, 2024

Wisdom: Curiosity, Love of learning, Judgment, Ingenuity, Emotional intelligence, Perspective #JonathanHaidt

Wisdom: Curiosity, Love of learning, Judgment, Ingenuity, Emotional intelligence, Perspective #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 9, 2024

If we therefore insist on continuous open-ended growth, not only does the pace of life inevitably quicken, but we must innovate at a faster and faster rate. #GeoffreyWest

If we therefore insist on continuous open-ended growth, not only does the pace of life inevitably quicken, but we must innovate at a faster and faster rate. #GeoffreyWest — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 8, 2024

Those in authority within institutions and social structures attempt to justify their rule by linking it, as if it were a necessary consequence, with moral symbols, sacred emblems, or legal formulae which are widely believed and deeply internalized. #CWrightMills

Those in authority within institutions and social structures attempt to justify their rule by linking it, as if it were a necessary consequence, with moral symbols, sacred emblems, or legal formulae which are widely believed and deeply internalized. #CWrightMills — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 8, 2024

They discovered that, for the convenience of driving faster, Americans were effectively valuing human life at the rate of 1.54 million per life. That was the economic gain, per fatality, of driving ten miles an hour faster. #MichaelSandel

They discovered that, for the convenience of driving faster, Americans were effectively valuing human life at the rate of 1.54 million per life. That was the economic gain, per fatality, of driving ten miles an hour faster. #MichaelSandel — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 8, 2024

We stay with empathy and allow others the opportunity to fully express themselves before we turn our attention to solutions or requests for relief. We need empathy to give empathy. #MarshallRosenberg

We stay with empathy and allow others the opportunity to fully express themselves before we turn our attention to solutions or requests for relief. We need empathy to give empathy. #MarshallRosenberg — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 8, 2024

The curious task of economics, wrote Friedrich Hayek, is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design. #KevinSimler

The curious task of economics, wrote Friedrich Hayek, is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design. #KevinSimler — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 8, 2024

The idea that the millionaire finds nothing but a sad, empty place at the top of this society [...] the disconsolateness of the rich--is, in the main, merely a way by which those who are not rich reconcile themselves to the fact. #CWrightMills

The idea that the millionaire finds nothing but a sad, empty place at the top of this society [...] the disconsolateness of the rich--is, in the main, merely a way by which those who are not rich reconcile themselves to the fact. #CWrightMills — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 7, 2024

Self-knowledge is no guarantee of happiness, but it is on the side of happiness and can supply the courage to fight for it. #SimonedeBeauvoir

Self-knowledge is no guarantee of happiness, but it is on the side of happiness and can supply the courage to fight for it. #SimonedeBeauvoir — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 7, 2024

The Making of A Manager: You have more impact on their day-to-day than they have on yours. This means that the responsibility of building a trusting relationship lies more with you than with them. #JulieZhuo

The Making of A Manager: You have more impact on their day-to-day than they have on yours. This means that the responsibility of building a trusting relationship lies more with you than with them. #JulieZhuo — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 7, 2024

From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly, so that you will come to know the value of justice. I hope that you will suffer betrayal because that will teach you the importance of loyalty. #JonathanHaidt

From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly, so that you will come to know the value of justice. I hope that you will suffer betrayal because that will teach you the importance of loyalty. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 7, 2024

Each of [our habits] has a different cue and offers a unique reward. Some are simple and others are complex, drawing upon emotional triggers and offering subtle neurochemical prizes. But every habit, no matter its complexity, is malleable. #CharlesDuhigg

Each of [our habits] has a different cue and offers a unique reward. Some are simple and others are complex, drawing upon emotional triggers and offering subtle neurochemical prizes. But every habit, no matter its complexity, is malleable. #CharlesDuhigg — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 7, 2024

insecure overachiever: Such a person must have no stable or solid foundation to build upon, and yet nonetheless tries to build his way out of his problem. It's an impossible situation. #DavidBrooks

insecure overachiever: Such a person must have no stable or solid foundation to build upon, and yet nonetheless tries to build his way out of his problem. It's an impossible situation. #DavidBrooks — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 6, 2024

As a corollary, they (Greek intellectuals) believed that knowledge for its own sake was meaningless, its mere accumulation a waste of time. Knowledge must lead to understanding. #Thucydides

As a corollary, they (Greek intellectuals) believed that knowledge for its own sake was meaningless, its mere accumulation a waste of time. Knowledge must lead to understanding. #Thucydides — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 6, 2024

The interest of [businessmen] is always in some respects different from, and even opposite to, that of the public [...] who have generally an interest to deceive and even oppress the public. #AdamSmith

The interest of [businessmen] is always in some respects different from, and even opposite to, that of the public [...] who have generally an interest to deceive and even oppress the public. #AdamSmith — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 6, 2024

But I still ask you: Why wait until your health and life energy have begun to wane? Rather than just focusing on saving up for a big pot full of money that you will most likely not be able to spend in your lifetime, live your life to the fullest now #BillPerkins

But I still ask you: Why wait until your health and life energy have begun to wane? Rather than just focusing on saving up for a big pot full of money that you will most likely not be able to spend in your lifetime, live your life to the fullest now #BillPerkins — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 6, 2024

...good narrators appreciate that events can count as meaningful even when they aren't recognised as such by powerful authorities in the world at large. We may be holidaying in a tent rather than in the Presidential suite, hanging out with our grandmother #TheSchoolOfLife

...good narrators appreciate that events can count as meaningful even when they aren't recognised as such by powerful authorities in the world at large. We may be holidaying in a tent rather than in the Presidential suite, hanging out with our grandmother #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 6, 2024

Whenever you find yourself deeply disappointed, or disappointing someone else, ask yourself: Where did I miss out on setting clear expectations, and how might I do better in the future? #JulieZhuo

Whenever you find yourself deeply disappointed, or disappointing someone else, ask yourself: Where did I miss out on setting clear expectations, and how might I do better in the future? #JulieZhuo — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 6, 2024

Living may not be our wish, but it can be something more robust: our duty. #TheSchoolOfLife

Living may not be our wish, but it can be something more robust: our duty. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 5, 2024

Kids especially interpret withdrawal of eye contact as disapproval, and this further erodes their self-esteem. #GaryChapman

Kids especially interpret withdrawal of eye contact as disapproval, and this further erodes their self-esteem. #GaryChapman — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 5, 2024

We will learn strengths from [our caregivers], but we will also, without realising, internalise particular fears and needs: our own personal ways of feeling a bit scared. Unhelpfully, these needs will feel to us entirely normal and rational. #DerrenBrown

We will learn strengths from [our caregivers], but we will also, without realising, internalise particular fears and needs: our own personal ways of feeling a bit scared. Unhelpfully, these needs will feel to us entirely normal and rational. #DerrenBrown — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 5, 2024

We humans are the victims of an asymmetry in the perception of random events. We attribute our successes to our skills, and our failures to external events outside our control, namely to randomness. #NassimNicholasTaleb

We humans are the victims of an asymmetry in the perception of random events. We attribute our successes to our skills, and our failures to external events outside our control, namely to randomness. #NassimNicholasTaleb — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 5, 2024

Individuals may have to give up certain rights, but the whole society will benefit. Had I inherited a fixed society with a long history, bitter enmities, it could not have been done. #LeeKuanYew

Individuals may have to give up certain rights, but the whole society will benefit. Had I inherited a fixed society with a long history, bitter enmities, it could not have been done. #LeeKuanYew — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 4, 2024

You don't want to be so close that you're not listening to criticism because then you're not going to grow, but I think finding people an outlet that will provide criticism but from a place of actually trying to help you grow rather than tear you down is very rare #MarkZuckerberg

You don't want to be so close that you're not listening to criticism because then you're not going to grow, but I think finding people an outlet that will provide criticism but from a place of actually trying to help you grow rather than tear you down is very rare #MarkZuckerberg — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 4, 2024

What we should really be doing is reading a book about us--written with the same elegance and wisdom, but placing the raw material of our life in a lucid order, selecting and joining up diverse events in our chaotic stream of consciousness [into] a coherent story #TheSchoolOfLife

What we should really be doing is reading a book about us--written with the same elegance and wisdom, but placing the raw material of our life in a lucid order, selecting and joining up diverse events in our chaotic stream of consciousness [into] a coherent story #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 4, 2024

Competitions for prestige often produce positive side effects such as art, science, and technological innovation. But the prestige seeking itself is more nearly a zero-sum game, which helps explain why we sometimes feel pangs of envy at even a close friend's success. #KevinSimler

Competitions for prestige often produce positive side effects such as art, science, and technological innovation. But the prestige seeking itself is more nearly a zero-sum game, which helps explain why we sometimes feel pangs of envy at even a close friend's success. #KevinSimler — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 4, 2024

Successful work requires taking an intelligent guess about the lives of the audience. 'In the minds of geniuses,' wrote the American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson, 'we find our own neglected thoughts.' #TheSchoolOfLife

Successful work requires taking an intelligent guess about the lives of the audience. 'In the minds of geniuses,' wrote the American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson, 'we find our own neglected thoughts.' #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 4, 2024

Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart. #MarcusAurelius

Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart. #MarcusAurelius — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 3, 2024

There are so many reasons to live! As a sentient being, you have the potential to flourish. #StevenPinker

There are so many reasons to live! As a sentient being, you have the potential to flourish. #StevenPinker — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 3, 2024

The weavers I've met are extremely relational. They are driven to seek deep relations with others, both to feed their hunger for connection and because they believe that change happens through deepening relationships. #DavidBrooks

The weavers I've met are extremely relational. They are driven to seek deep relations with others, both to feed their hunger for connection and because they believe that change happens through deepening relationships. #DavidBrooks — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 3, 2024

The ego emerges from its analyses as something far closer to what Buddhism has long suggested: an artful illusion, a flickering, unsteady flame unaware of most of what it is, an entity thoroughly merged with and traversed by the world beyond it, an ‘I’ destined to dissolve after a brief span and to be reabsorbed by a cosmic totality from which it should never have imagined itself to be distinct. #TheSchoolOfLife

The ego emerges from its analyses as something far closer to what Buddhism has long suggested: an artful illusion, a flickering, unsteady flame unaware of most of what it is, an entity thoroughly merged with and traversed by the world beyond it, an ‘I’ destined to dissolve after a brief span and to be reabsorbed by a cosmic totality from which it should never have imagined itself to be distinct. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 3, 2024

Both the physical and the electronic isolation from people we disagree with allow the forces of confirmation bias, groupthink, and tribalism to push us still further apart. #JonathanHaidt

Both the physical and the electronic isolation from people we disagree with allow the forces of confirmation bias, groupthink, and tribalism to push us still further apart. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 3, 2024

We should come to terms with, and help others to see, just how hard and unnerving it can sometimes be to get close to the things we truly want. #TheSchoolOfLife

We should come to terms with, and help others to see, just how hard and unnerving it can sometimes be to get close to the things we truly want. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 2, 2024

...if we seek social status, we give other people power over us: We have to do things calculated to make them admire us, and we have to refrain from doing things that will trigger their disfavor. #WilliamBIrvine

...if we seek social status, we give other people power over us: We have to do things calculated to make them admire us, and we have to refrain from doing things that will trigger their disfavor. #WilliamBIrvine — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 2, 2024

If you trade your authenticity for safety, you may experience the following: anxiety, depression, eating disorders, addiction, rage, blame, resentment, and inexplicable grief. #BreneBrown

If you trade your authenticity for safety, you may experience the following: anxiety, depression, eating disorders, addiction, rage, blame, resentment, and inexplicable grief. #BreneBrown — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 2, 2024

Habits, scientists say, emerge because the brain is constantly looking for ways to save effort. #CharlesDuhigg

Habits, scientists say, emerge because the brain is constantly looking for ways to save effort. #CharlesDuhigg — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 2, 2024

A different study by Gloria Mark, professor of informatics at the University of California, Irvine--who I interviewed--observed how long on average an adult working in an office stays on one task. It was three minutes. #JohannHari

A different study by Gloria Mark, professor of informatics at the University of California, Irvine--who I interviewed--observed how long on average an adult working in an office stays on one task. It was three minutes. #JohannHari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 2, 2024

We like to see underdogs win. But there is no justice in history. Most past cultures have sooner or later fallen prey to the armies of some ruthless empire, which have consigned them to oblivion. #YuvalNoahHarari

We like to see underdogs win. But there is no justice in history. Most past cultures have sooner or later fallen prey to the armies of some ruthless empire, which have consigned them to oblivion. #YuvalNoahHarari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 1, 2024

Homo sapiens is just not built for satisfaction. Human happiness depends less on objective condition and more on our own expectations. #YuvalNoahHarari

Homo sapiens is just not built for satisfaction. Human happiness depends less on objective condition and more on our own expectations. #YuvalNoahHarari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 1, 2024

I believe that the key to success lies in knowing how to both strive for a lot and fail well. By failing well, I mean being able to experience painful failures that provide big learnings without failing badly enough to get knocked out of the game. #RayDalio

I believe that the key to success lies in knowing how to both strive for a lot and fail well. By failing well, I mean being able to experience painful failures that provide big learnings without failing badly enough to get knocked out of the game. #RayDalio — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 1, 2024

This is not a tidy world of tyrannical men and victimized women, but a messier realm of oppressive social customs adhered to by men and women alike. As we said, laws can help, but the greatest challenge is to change these ways of thinking. #NicholasDKristof

This is not a tidy world of tyrannical men and victimized women, but a messier realm of oppressive social customs adhered to by men and women alike. As we said, laws can help, but the greatest challenge is to change these ways of thinking. #NicholasDKristof — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Aug 1, 2024