
Showing posts from November, 2024

We are more than just our genes. #RobertKolker

We are more than just our genes. #RobertKolker — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 1, 2024

The truth is that truth was never high on the agenda of Homo sapiens. #YuvalNoahHarari

The truth is that truth was never high on the agenda of Homo sapiens. #YuvalNoahHarari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 1, 2024

Put simply: love is the considerate, tender, patient behaviour displayed by an adult over many years towards a child who cannot help but be largely out of control, confused, frustrating and bewildered. #TheSchoolOfLife

Put simply: love is the considerate, tender, patient behaviour displayed by an adult over many years towards a child who cannot help but be largely out of control, confused, frustrating and bewildered. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 30, 2024

Tensions between men and women today stem less from different aspirations than from the difficulties they face translating their ideals into practice. #StephanieCoontz

Tensions between men and women today stem less from different aspirations than from the difficulties they face translating their ideals into practice. #StephanieCoontz — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 30, 2024

I'm learning that recognizing and leaning into the discomfort of vulnerability teaches us how to live with joy, gratitude and grace. #BreneBrown

I'm learning that recognizing and leaning into the discomfort of vulnerability teaches us how to live with joy, gratitude and grace. #BreneBrown — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 30, 2024

Nothing we do, however virtuous, can be accomplished alone; therefore we are saved by love. No virtuous act is quite as virtuous from the standpoint of our friend or foe as it is from our standpoint. Therefore we must be saved by the final form of love [forgiveness] #DavidBrooks

Nothing we do, however virtuous, can be accomplished alone; therefore we are saved by love. No virtuous act is quite as virtuous from the standpoint of our friend or foe as it is from our standpoint. Therefore we must be saved by the final form of love [forgiveness] #DavidBrooks — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 30, 2024

Living in a city is an art, not a science. Choosing to live in a city is choosing to enter into a relationship with it. And, like any human relationship, the relationship you have with your city is one that requires nurturing, constant practice and work. #TheSchoolOfLife

Living in a city is an art, not a science. Choosing to live in a city is choosing to enter into a relationship with it. And, like any human relationship, the relationship you have with your city is one that requires nurturing, constant practice and work. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 30, 2024

...those who pursue struggle end up being happier than those who pursue pleasure. #DavidBrooks

...those who pursue struggle end up being happier than those who pursue pleasure. #DavidBrooks — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 30, 2024

You will treat people well, and you will treat your body as a temple. In so doing, you will accumulate good karma, and you will comeback in your next life at a higher level--literally higher on the vertical dimension of divinity. #JonathanHaidt

You will treat people well, and you will treat your body as a temple. In so doing, you will accumulate good karma, and you will comeback in your next life at a higher level--literally higher on the vertical dimension of divinity. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 29, 2024

...sports leagues aren't concerned with determining the rankings as quickly and expeditiously as possible. Instead, sports calendars are explicitly designed to maintain tension throughout the season, something that has rarely been a concern of sorting theory. #BrianChristian

...sports leagues aren't concerned with determining the rankings as quickly and expeditiously as possible. Instead, sports calendars are explicitly designed to maintain tension throughout the season, something that has rarely been a concern of sorting theory. #BrianChristian — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 29, 2024

As we medical students saw it, the failure of those around [terminally ill people like] Ivan Ilyich to offer comfort or to acknowledge what is happening to him was a failure of character and culture. #AtulGawande

As we medical students saw it, the failure of those around [terminally ill people like] Ivan Ilyich to offer comfort or to acknowledge what is happening to him was a failure of character and culture. #AtulGawande — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 29, 2024

The lingering work ethic of our Protestant forebears still haunts us. #DerrenBrown

The lingering work ethic of our Protestant forebears still haunts us. #DerrenBrown — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 29, 2024

Mihaly's deeper insight has been forgotten: that we have within us a force that makes it possible to focus for long stretches and enjoy it, and it will make us happier and healthier, if only we create the right circumstances to let it flow. #JohannHari

Mihaly's deeper insight has been forgotten: that we have within us a force that makes it possible to focus for long stretches and enjoy it, and it will make us happier and healthier, if only we create the right circumstances to let it flow. #JohannHari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 29, 2024

...a community's supply of social rewards is limited, so we're often competing to show more loyalty than others--to engage in a holier than thou arms race. And this leads to the kind of extreme displays and exaggerated features we find across the biological world. #RobinHanson

...a community's supply of social rewards is limited, so we're often competing to show more loyalty than others--to engage in a holier than thou arms race. And this leads to the kind of extreme displays and exaggerated features we find across the biological world. #RobinHanson — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 29, 2024

Theologians chided wives who used endearing nicknames for their husbands, because such familiarity on a wife's part undermined the husband's authority and the awe that his wife should feel for him. #StephanieCoontz

Theologians chided wives who used endearing nicknames for their husbands, because such familiarity on a wife's part undermined the husband's authority and the awe that his wife should feel for him. #StephanieCoontz — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 28, 2024

If I lack self-respect and consequently accept discourtesy, abuse [...] from others as natural, I unconsciously transmit this, and some people will treat me at my self-estimate. When this happens, and I submit to it, my self-respect deteriorates still more. #NathanielBranden

If I lack self-respect and consequently accept discourtesy, abuse [...] from others as natural, I unconsciously transmit this, and some people will treat me at my self-estimate. When this happens, and I submit to it, my self-respect deteriorates still more. #NathanielBranden — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 28, 2024

We're well versed at seeing the sweet and the fragile in children and offering them help and comfort accordingly. Around them, we know how to put aside the worst of our compulsions, vindictiveness and fury. #AlaindeBotton

We're well versed at seeing the sweet and the fragile in children and offering them help and comfort accordingly. Around them, we know how to put aside the worst of our compulsions, vindictiveness and fury. #AlaindeBotton — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 28, 2024

And yet, all of us likely remember moments when a kind word about our unique strengths made us swell with pride and gave us more fuel to achieve our goals. #JulieZhuo

And yet, all of us likely remember moments when a kind word about our unique strengths made us swell with pride and gave us more fuel to achieve our goals. #JulieZhuo — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 28, 2024

In postmodern thought, language is believed to have enormous power to control society and how we think and thus is inherently dangerous. #HelenPluckrose

In postmodern thought, language is believed to have enormous power to control society and how we think and thus is inherently dangerous. #HelenPluckrose — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 27, 2024

Quite contrary to the modern-day meaning of the word epicurean--often associated with decadent and plentiful food--what the school of Epicurus taught was that man actually needed very little to be happy, as long as he had recourse to reason and [can] limit his desires #JennyOdell

Quite contrary to the modern-day meaning of the word epicurean--often associated with decadent and plentiful food--what the school of Epicurus taught was that man actually needed very little to be happy, as long as he had recourse to reason and [can] limit his desires #JennyOdell — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 27, 2024

[Up till 50 years ago] people were satisfied with what [Andrew Cherlin] calls a companionate marriage. In this type of marriage each partner had clearly defined roles [...] satisfaction you gained in the marriage depended on how well you fulfilled this assigned role #AzizAnsari

[Up till 50 years ago] people were satisfied with what [Andrew Cherlin] calls a companionate marriage. In this type of marriage each partner had clearly defined roles [...] satisfaction you gained in the marriage depended on how well you fulfilled this assigned role #AzizAnsari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 27, 2024

There is a greater correlation between perfectionism and suicide, research suggests, than between feelings of hopelessness and suicide. #OliverBurkeman

There is a greater correlation between perfectionism and suicide, research suggests, than between feelings of hopelessness and suicide. #OliverBurkeman — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 27, 2024

Recommitment often means putting your own sins on the table. Forbearance means acknowledging the wrongs that have been committed, and even the anger that they have created #DavidBrooks

Recommitment often means putting your own sins on the table. Forbearance means acknowledging the wrongs that have been committed, and even the anger that they have created #DavidBrooks — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 27, 2024

Now, submissives can't avoid looking at dominants entirely. They need to monitor them to see what they're up to (e.g., in order to move out of their space). So instead, submissives resort to stealing quick, furtive glances. #KevinSimler

Now, submissives can't avoid looking at dominants entirely. They need to monitor them to see what they're up to (e.g., in order to move out of their space). So instead, submissives resort to stealing quick, furtive glances. #KevinSimler — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 27, 2024

Many people (especially academics) remain unaware of the depth of this problem, which presents as ideological closedness, unwillingness to accept any disagreement, and an authoritarian will to enforce a Social Justice conception of society and moral imperative... #HelenPluckrose

Many people (especially academics) remain unaware of the depth of this problem, which presents as ideological closedness, unwillingness to accept any disagreement, and an authoritarian will to enforce a Social Justice conception of society and moral imperative... #HelenPluckrose — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 26, 2024

The Romantic assumption is that we know intuitively and all we need is greater freedom to follow our instincts. The Classical picture is that a pleasant life is, in fact, a deliberate accomplishment. #TheSchoolOfLife

The Romantic assumption is that we know intuitively and all we need is greater freedom to follow our instincts. The Classical picture is that a pleasant life is, in fact, a deliberate accomplishment. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 26, 2024

Being able to share issues belongs to a slow pattern of progress whereby humans have learnt to come to terms with their vulnerability and accept themselves as only intermittently rational; our strength lies in being able to accept our own fragility. #TheSchoolOfLife

Being able to share issues belongs to a slow pattern of progress whereby humans have learnt to come to terms with their vulnerability and accept themselves as only intermittently rational; our strength lies in being able to accept our own fragility. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 26, 2024

There are no longer any predetermined life paths. Each of us is on our own. #AzizAnsari

There are no longer any predetermined life paths. Each of us is on our own. #AzizAnsari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 26, 2024

Still more criticisms imply that women fail to manage their own emotions properly; they are hysterical, illogical, shrill, unreasonable, overwhelmed, all over the place, confused. At some point every woman seems to become crazy. #MoiraWeigel

Still more criticisms imply that women fail to manage their own emotions properly; they are hysterical, illogical, shrill, unreasonable, overwhelmed, all over the place, confused. At some point every woman seems to become crazy. #MoiraWeigel — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 26, 2024

Aristotle taught that virtue is something we cultivate with practice: we become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts. #MichaelSandel

Aristotle taught that virtue is something we cultivate with practice: we become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts. #MichaelSandel — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 26, 2024

The goal which my freedom aims at is conquering existence across the always inadequate density of being. #SimonedeBeauvoir

The goal which my freedom aims at is conquering existence across the always inadequate density of being. #SimonedeBeauvoir — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 25, 2024

But once it was clear the tide was turning, nearly all major Republicans--including Cruz, Perry, Paul, and Rubio--pulled a 180 and backed Trump. #TimUrban

But once it was clear the tide was turning, nearly all major Republicans--including Cruz, Perry, Paul, and Rubio--pulled a 180 and backed Trump. #TimUrban — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 25, 2024

It's not just that extroverts are naturally happier and healthier; when introverts are forced to be more outgoing, they usually enjoy it and find that it boosts their mood. #JonathanHaidt

It's not just that extroverts are naturally happier and healthier; when introverts are forced to be more outgoing, they usually enjoy it and find that it boosts their mood. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 25, 2024

Christopher Stone advised the Bank, In terms of social and economic development, high levels of crime and violence threaten to undermine the best-laid plans to reduce poverty, improve governance, and relieve human misery. #GaryAHaugen

Christopher Stone advised the Bank, In terms of social and economic development, high levels of crime and violence threaten to undermine the best-laid plans to reduce poverty, improve governance, and relieve human misery. #GaryAHaugen — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 25, 2024

...our confirmation bias: the bad habit of seeking evidence that ratifies a belief and being incurious about evidence that might falsify it. #StevenPinker

...our confirmation bias: the bad habit of seeking evidence that ratifies a belief and being incurious about evidence that might falsify it. #StevenPinker — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 25, 2024

You can't compensate for having a foundation made of quicksand by building a new story on top. But this person takes no notice and hopes that the problem down in the foundation won't be found out if only the construction work on the top keeps going. #DavidBrooks

You can't compensate for having a foundation made of quicksand by building a new story on top. But this person takes no notice and hopes that the problem down in the foundation won't be found out if only the construction work on the top keeps going. #DavidBrooks — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 25, 2024

The Tragedy of the Commons is a tragedy of selfishness, but the Tragedy of Commonsense Morality is a tragedy of moral inflexibility. #JoshuaGreene

The Tragedy of the Commons is a tragedy of selfishness, but the Tragedy of Commonsense Morality is a tragedy of moral inflexibility. #JoshuaGreene — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 24, 2024

Is there anything more dangerous than dissatisfied and irresponsible gods who don't know what they want? #YuvalNoahHarari

Is there anything more dangerous than dissatisfied and irresponsible gods who don't know what they want? #YuvalNoahHarari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 24, 2024

We have two parties right? We have these primaries that basically now make it so that it's almost like you're not promoting people who are trying to be some kind of the centrists. You are basically promoting people who are the extreme of their party #MarkZuckerberg

We have two parties right? We have these primaries that basically now make it so that it's almost like you're not promoting people who are trying to be some kind of the centrists. You are basically promoting people who are the extreme of their party #MarkZuckerberg — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 24, 2024

[Culture] is organization, discipline of one's inner self, a coming to terms with one's own personality; it is the attainment of a higher awareness, with the aid of which one succeeds in understanding one's own historical value, one's own function in life... #AntonioGramsci

[Culture] is organization, discipline of one's inner self, a coming to terms with one's own personality; it is the attainment of a higher awareness, with the aid of which one succeeds in understanding one's own historical value, one's own function in life... #AntonioGramsci — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 24, 2024

At the core of all anger is a need that is not being fulfilled. #MarshallRosenberg

At the core of all anger is a need that is not being fulfilled. #MarshallRosenberg — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 24, 2024

Those who distinguish civil from theological intolerance are, to my mind, mistaken #JeanJacquesRousseau

Those who distinguish civil from theological intolerance are, to my mind, mistaken #JeanJacquesRousseau — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 24, 2024

In the company of 17th-century Dutch landscape painters, admiring grey clouds would be a prime virtue. If we lived around Balzac, Baudelaire or Proust, our apparently eccentric preferences for lying in bed thinking on weekends would be taken for granted. #TheSchoolOfLife

In the company of 17th-century Dutch landscape painters, admiring grey clouds would be a prime virtue. If we lived around Balzac, Baudelaire or Proust, our apparently eccentric preferences for lying in bed thinking on weekends would be taken for granted. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 23, 2024

The Rev. Theodore Parker preached in Boston in 1853. To make one half the human race consume its energies in the functions of housekeeper, wife and mother is a monstrous waste of the most precious material God ever mad. #BettyFriedan

The Rev. Theodore Parker preached in Boston in 1853. To make one half the human race consume its energies in the functions of housekeeper, wife and mother is a monstrous waste of the most precious material God ever mad. #BettyFriedan — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 23, 2024

The purpose of school should be to prepare kids for the rest of their lives, but too often what kids need to be prepared for is surviving the school day itself. #SusanCain

The purpose of school should be to prepare kids for the rest of their lives, but too often what kids need to be prepared for is surviving the school day itself. #SusanCain — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 23, 2024

We saw this cross-level coherence in the analysis of personality: If your lower-level traits match up with your coping mechanisms, which in turn are consistent with your life story, your personality is well integrated and you can get on with the business of living. #JonathanHaidt

We saw this cross-level coherence in the analysis of personality: If your lower-level traits match up with your coping mechanisms, which in turn are consistent with your life story, your personality is well integrated and you can get on with the business of living. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 23, 2024

If you're going to while away the years, it's far better to live them with clear goals and fully alive than in a fog, and I believe running helps you do that. Exerting yourself to the fullest within your individual limits #HarukiMurakami

If you're going to while away the years, it's far better to live them with clear goals and fully alive than in a fog, and I believe running helps you do that. Exerting yourself to the fullest within your individual limits #HarukiMurakami — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 23, 2024

The dominant media is filled with images of many types of white people; white people, for the most part, have the freedom to be anything they like. People of color need to scrub away the [racial stereotypes and expectations] #AngelaChen

The dominant media is filled with images of many types of white people; white people, for the most part, have the freedom to be anything they like. People of color need to scrub away the [racial stereotypes and expectations] #AngelaChen — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 23, 2024

That which is written without much effort is seldom read with much pleasure. #LeeKuanYew

That which is written without much effort is seldom read with much pleasure. #LeeKuanYew — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 22, 2024

Pain is invisible, and known only to the sufferer. #HarukiMurakami

Pain is invisible, and known only to the sufferer. #HarukiMurakami — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 22, 2024 is actually a lot more valuable than money, because no amount of money can ever make up for very poor health--whereas people in good health but with little money can still have many wonderful experiences. #BillPerkins is actually a lot more valuable than money, because no amount of money can ever make up for very poor health--whereas people in good health but with little money can still have many wonderful experiences. #BillPerkins — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 22, 2024

Technological society has forgotten what scholars call the 'dying role' and its importance to people as life approaches its end. #AtulGawande

Technological society has forgotten what scholars call the 'dying role' and its importance to people as life approaches its end. #AtulGawande — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 22, 2024

The brain is like a muscle. The more you use certain things, the stronger the connection's getting, and the better things work. #JohannHari

The brain is like a muscle. The more you use certain things, the stronger the connection's getting, and the better things work. #JohannHari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 22, 2024

If you are genetically endowed with an optimistic bias, you hardly need to be told that you are a lucky person--you already feel fortunate. #DanielKahneman

If you are genetically endowed with an optimistic bias, you hardly need to be told that you are a lucky person--you already feel fortunate. #DanielKahneman — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 22, 2024

Any large-scale human cooperation--whether a modern state, a medieval church, an ancient city or an archaic tribe--is rooted in common myths that exist only in people's collective imagination. #YuvalNoahHarari

Any large-scale human cooperation--whether a modern state, a medieval church, an ancient city or an archaic tribe--is rooted in common myths that exist only in people's collective imagination. #YuvalNoahHarari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 21, 2024

Even if one solved this puzzle, the question would remain for Ehrenreich: if you hump away at menial jobs 360-plus days a year, does some kind of repetitive injury of the spirit set in? #JennyOdell

Even if one solved this puzzle, the question would remain for Ehrenreich: if you hump away at menial jobs 360-plus days a year, does some kind of repetitive injury of the spirit set in? #JennyOdell — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 21, 2024

It was the dubious achievement of the newspapers of the nineteenth century to standardise the mind. They did to the varied fruits of our imaginations and intelligences a little of what industrialists like Henry Ford achieved in manufacturing #TheSchoolOfLife

It was the dubious achievement of the newspapers of the nineteenth century to standardise the mind. They did to the varied fruits of our imaginations and intelligences a little of what industrialists like Henry Ford achieved in manufacturing #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 21, 2024

Gore Vidal, the American writer, once famously described the American economic system as 'free enterprise for the poor and socialism for the rich' #HaJoonChang

Gore Vidal, the American writer, once famously described the American economic system as 'free enterprise for the poor and socialism for the rich' #HaJoonChang — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 21, 2024

Adversity may be necessary for growth because it forces you to stop speeding along the road of life, allowing you to notice the paths that were branching off all along, and to think about where you really want to end up. #JonathanHaidt

Adversity may be necessary for growth because it forces you to stop speeding along the road of life, allowing you to notice the paths that were branching off all along, and to think about where you really want to end up. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 21, 2024

And as excellent as our cognitive systems are, in the modern world we must know when to discount them and turn our reasoning over to instruments--the tools of logic, probability, and critical thinking that extend our powers of reason beyond what nature gave us. #StevenPinker

And as excellent as our cognitive systems are, in the modern world we must know when to discount them and turn our reasoning over to instruments--the tools of logic, probability, and critical thinking that extend our powers of reason beyond what nature gave us. #StevenPinker — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 21, 2024

We are defined by what we choose to reject. And if we reject nothing we essentially have no identity at all #MarkManson

We are defined by what we choose to reject. And if we reject nothing we essentially have no identity at all #MarkManson — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 20, 2024

A job is a way of making a living, but work is a particular way of being needed, of fulfilling the responsibility that life has placed before you. #DavidBrooks

A job is a way of making a living, but work is a particular way of being needed, of fulfilling the responsibility that life has placed before you. #DavidBrooks — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 20, 2024

It is impossible to analyze the meaning of life in the abstract, or in general, or for some mythical and perfectly rational being. #JonathanHaidt

It is impossible to analyze the meaning of life in the abstract, or in general, or for some mythical and perfectly rational being. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 20, 2024

The Chimp does not necessarily work with facts but it works with what it believes is the truth or with a perception of the truth or, even worse, with a projection of what might be the truth. It is quick to form an impression on little, if any, evidence #StevePeters

The Chimp does not necessarily work with facts but it works with what it believes is the truth or with a perception of the truth or, even worse, with a projection of what might be the truth. It is quick to form an impression on little, if any, evidence #StevePeters — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 20, 2024

If you want to get an idea of a friend's temperament, ethics, and personal elegance, you need to look at him under the tests of severe circumstances, not under the regular rosy glow of daily life. #NassimNicholasTaleb

If you want to get an idea of a friend's temperament, ethics, and personal elegance, you need to look at him under the tests of severe circumstances, not under the regular rosy glow of daily life. #NassimNicholasTaleb — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 20, 2024

What separates the mature from the immature is, perhaps more than anything else, a capacity for being on their own, without distraction, and thinking about who they are and what they have experienced. #TheSchoolOfLife

What separates the mature from the immature is, perhaps more than anything else, a capacity for being on their own, without distraction, and thinking about who they are and what they have experienced. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 20, 2024

In fact, I had sent [the literary journal Gunzo] my only copy [of Hear the Wind Sing]. If they hadn't selected it [for their Prize for New Writers], it probably would have vanished forever. I probably never would have written another novel. Life is strange... #HarukiMurakami

In fact, I had sent [the literary journal Gunzo] my only copy [of Hear the Wind Sing]. If they hadn't selected it [for their Prize for New Writers], it probably would have vanished forever. I probably never would have written another novel. Life is strange... #HarukiMurakami — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 19, 2024

The same challenge [optimal stopping--whether to commit to or forgo a succession of options] also appears in an even more fraught setting: dating. Optimal stopping is the science of serial monogamy. #BrianChristian

The same challenge [optimal stopping--whether to commit to or forgo a succession of options] also appears in an even more fraught setting: dating. Optimal stopping is the science of serial monogamy. #BrianChristian — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 19, 2024

The European model has created a class of people who have grown used to the subsidies and therefore lack a strong work ethic. #LeeKuanYew

The European model has created a class of people who have grown used to the subsidies and therefore lack a strong work ethic. #LeeKuanYew — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 19, 2024

Who you are is defined by what you're willing to struggle for. #MarkManson

Who you are is defined by what you're willing to struggle for. #MarkManson — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 19, 2024

[Live life to the fullest now:] Chase memorable life experiences, give money to your kids when they can best use it, donate money to charity while you're still alive. That's the way to live life... In the end, the business of life is the acquisition of memories #BillPerkins

[Live life to the fullest now:] Chase memorable life experiences, give money to your kids when they can best use it, donate money to charity while you're still alive. That's the way to live life... In the end, the business of life is the acquisition of memories #BillPerkins — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 19, 2024

...lost possibilities, feelings we can never get back. That's part of what it means to be alive. But inside our heads--at least that's where I imagine it--there's a little room where we store those memories. A room like the stacks in this library. #HarukiMurakami

...lost possibilities, feelings we can never get back. That's part of what it means to be alive. But inside our heads--at least that's where I imagine it--there's a little room where we store those memories. A room like the stacks in this library. #HarukiMurakami — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 19, 2024

The only way death is not meaningless is to see yourself as part of something greater: a family, a community, a society. If you don't, mortality is only a horror. But if you do, it is not. #AtulGawande

The only way death is not meaningless is to see yourself as part of something greater: a family, a community, a society. If you don't, mortality is only a horror. But if you do, it is not. #AtulGawande — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 18, 2024 has a redemptive power, Martin Luther King argued. It has the power to transform individuals and break down distrust. If you love a person and keep loving a person, they may lash out at first, but eventually they will break under the power of your care. #DavidBrooks has a redemptive power, Martin Luther King argued. It has the power to transform individuals and break down distrust. If you love a person and keep loving a person, they may lash out at first, but eventually they will break under the power of your care. #DavidBrooks — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 18, 2024

He whose life has a why can bear almost any how. #Nietzsche

He whose life has a why can bear almost any how. #Nietzsche — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 18, 2024

Politeness makes it easier to apologise, because apologising isn't just an act of pure submission. Politeness is founded on a major insight into human nature and a big positive thesis about what civilisation is and why we need it. #TheSchoolOfLife

Politeness makes it easier to apologise, because apologising isn't just an act of pure submission. Politeness is founded on a major insight into human nature and a big positive thesis about what civilisation is and why we need it. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 18, 2024

The Bible had at best become like the work of Ovid or Homer: containing great truth, but not itself true. #DouglasMurray

The Bible had at best become like the work of Ovid or Homer: containing great truth, but not itself true. #DouglasMurray — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 18, 2024

Leadership, Peter Drucker wrote, is lifting a person's vision to higher sights, raising of a person's performance to a higher standard, of building a personality beyond its normal limitations. #DavidBrooks

Leadership, Peter Drucker wrote, is lifting a person's vision to higher sights, raising of a person's performance to a higher standard, of building a personality beyond its normal limitations. #DavidBrooks — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 18, 2024

The world has, without our really noticing it, grown predictable and stale. Our expectations are fixed. Our knowledge seems established. But the lover is showing us that life is so much richer than we had dared to think. #TheSchoolOfLife

The world has, without our really noticing it, grown predictable and stale. Our expectations are fixed. Our knowledge seems established. But the lover is showing us that life is so much richer than we had dared to think. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 17, 2024

At the beginning a man was wealthy because he was powerful--now he is powerful because he has money. Intellect reaches the throne only when money puts it there. Democracy is the completed equating of money with political power. #OswaldSpengler

At the beginning a man was wealthy because he was powerful--now he is powerful because he has money. Intellect reaches the throne only when money puts it there. Democracy is the completed equating of money with political power. #OswaldSpengler — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 17, 2024

Remember, emotions themselves are neither good nor bad. They are simply our psychological responses to the events of life. #GaryChapman

Remember, emotions themselves are neither good nor bad. They are simply our psychological responses to the events of life. #GaryChapman — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 17, 2024

If you want to change how you see your problems, you have to change what you value and/or how you measure failure/success. #MarkManson

If you want to change how you see your problems, you have to change what you value and/or how you measure failure/success. #MarkManson — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 17, 2024

Harmful, consensual sex happens and people should be allowed to speak freely using those terms. #AngelaChen

Harmful, consensual sex happens and people should be allowed to speak freely using those terms. #AngelaChen — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 17, 2024

If God is dead, Nietzsche is perhaps the person who stumbles across the corpse; nevertheless, it is Kant whose fingerprints are all over the murder weapon. #WillBuckingham

If God is dead, Nietzsche is perhaps the person who stumbles across the corpse; nevertheless, it is Kant whose fingerprints are all over the murder weapon. #WillBuckingham — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 17, 2024

A 'No' uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a 'Yes' merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble. #MahatmaGandhi

A 'No' uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a 'Yes' merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble. #MahatmaGandhi — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 16, 2024

The resistance to change and the ardent desire for it spring from the same conviction, and the one can be as vehement as the other. #EricHoffer

The resistance to change and the ardent desire for it spring from the same conviction, and the one can be as vehement as the other. #EricHoffer — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 16, 2024

China produced no religious themes in the Western sense at all. The Chinese never generated a myth of cosmic creation. #HenryKissinger

China produced no religious themes in the Western sense at all. The Chinese never generated a myth of cosmic creation. #HenryKissinger — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 16, 2024

...our interventions, and the risks and sacrifices they entail, are justified only if they serve the larger aims of a person's life. When we forget that, the suffering we inflict can be barbaric. When we remember it the good we do can be breathtaking. #AtulGawande

...our interventions, and the risks and sacrifices they entail, are justified only if they serve the larger aims of a person's life. When we forget that, the suffering we inflict can be barbaric. When we remember it the good we do can be breathtaking. #AtulGawande — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 16, 2024 is easy to take off down a slippery slope, from one attention-grabbing simple idea to a feeling that this idea beautifully explains, or is the beautiful solution for, lots of other things. The world becomes simple. All problems have a single cause #HansRosling is easy to take off down a slippery slope, from one attention-grabbing simple idea to a feeling that this idea beautifully explains, or is the beautiful solution for, lots of other things. The world becomes simple. All problems have a single cause #HansRosling — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 16, 2024

So at most companies, an unspoken compact emerges: It's okay to be ambitious, but if you play too rough, your peers will unite against you. [Also] if you focus on boosting your own department, rather than undermining your rival, you'll probably get taken care of... #CharlesDuhigg

So at most companies, an unspoken compact emerges: It's okay to be ambitious, but if you play too rough, your peers will unite against you. [Also] if you focus on boosting your own department, rather than undermining your rival, you'll probably get taken care of... #CharlesDuhigg — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 15, 2024

A merchant, it has been said very properly, is not necessarily the citizen of any particular country. #AdamSmith

A merchant, it has been said very properly, is not necessarily the citizen of any particular country. #AdamSmith — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 15, 2024

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs both severely limited their children's use of technology at home. #JennyOdell

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs both severely limited their children's use of technology at home. #JennyOdell — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 15, 2024

From studying 50-plus civil wars and revolutions, it became clear that the single most reliable leading indicator of civil war or revolution is bankrupt government finances combined with big wealth gaps. #RayDalio

From studying 50-plus civil wars and revolutions, it became clear that the single most reliable leading indicator of civil war or revolution is bankrupt government finances combined with big wealth gaps. #RayDalio — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 15, 2024

Punishment may seem effective, because the threat or exercise of punitive force may well influence someone's behavior. However [...] what do I want this person's reasons to be for doing what I'm asking? #MarshallRosenberg

Punishment may seem effective, because the threat or exercise of punitive force may well influence someone's behavior. However [...] what do I want this person's reasons to be for doing what I'm asking? #MarshallRosenberg — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 15, 2024

For when detached from ethical conduct, sexuality, as we have known it for the last thirty years, has become an arena of raw struggle that has left many men and especially women bitter and exhausted. #EvaIllouz

For when detached from ethical conduct, sexuality, as we have known it for the last thirty years, has become an arena of raw struggle that has left many men and especially women bitter and exhausted. #EvaIllouz — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 15, 2024

A civilisation that was more excited about the arrival of a train than the end of nature had forgotten its priorities. #TheSchoolOfLife

A civilisation that was more excited about the arrival of a train than the end of nature had forgotten its priorities. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 14, 2024

We underestimate the strength we immediately acquire upon admitting that we're presently feeling very weak. #TheSchoolOfLife

We underestimate the strength we immediately acquire upon admitting that we're presently feeling very weak. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 14, 2024

There is not a single ill-doer who could not be turned to some good. The State has no right to put to death, even for the sake of making an example, any one whom it can leave alive without danger. #JeanJacquesRousseau

There is not a single ill-doer who could not be turned to some good. The State has no right to put to death, even for the sake of making an example, any one whom it can leave alive without danger. #JeanJacquesRousseau — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 14, 2024

As death comes to embrace you, you will realise what you are. That's what death is, don't you think? #ItachiUchiha

As death comes to embrace you, you will realise what you are. That's what death is, don't you think? #ItachiUchiha — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 14, 2024

You have pursued so much for your well-being: your home, your business, your car, your spouse, your child, your club membership. But look back now and see: have you caught the fish, or has the fish caught you? #Sadhguru

You have pursued so much for your well-being: your home, your business, your car, your spouse, your child, your club membership. But look back now and see: have you caught the fish, or has the fish caught you? #Sadhguru — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 14, 2024

We can with kindness and good humour accept that being silly is entirely normal, wasting opportunities is universal, average sexuality is to be expected. Self-love shouldn't be predicated on the competitive idea that we must pull off extraordinary feats... #TheSchoolOfLife

We can with kindness and good humour accept that being silly is entirely normal, wasting opportunities is universal, average sexuality is to be expected. Self-love shouldn't be predicated on the competitive idea that we must pull off extraordinary feats... #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 14, 2024

What's not always so clear in our minds is that the process of acquiring money has a range of built-in psychological opportunity costs that we too easily ignore. #TheSchoolOfLife

What's not always so clear in our minds is that the process of acquiring money has a range of built-in psychological opportunity costs that we too easily ignore. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 13, 2024

Maybe the only thing I can definitely say about is this: That's life. Maybe the only thing we can do is accept it, without really knowing what's going on. #HarukiMurakami

Maybe the only thing I can definitely say about is this: That's life. Maybe the only thing we can do is accept it, without really knowing what's going on. #HarukiMurakami — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 13, 2024

Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it. #OprahWinfrey

Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it. #OprahWinfrey — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 13, 2024

...accept the fear; don't fight it. It's like trying to wrestle with the current--best to let the waves carry one this way and that; they'll tire eventually and set one back on shore. Never struggle against a rip tide. #TheSchoolOfLife

...accept the fear; don't fight it. It's like trying to wrestle with the current--best to let the waves carry one this way and that; they'll tire eventually and set one back on shore. Never struggle against a rip tide. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 13, 2024

We want to meet our spouses emotional needs, and we reach out to speak his love language. In so doing, his emotional love tank is filled and chances are he will reciprocate and speak our language. When he does our emotions return, and our love tank begins to fill. #GaryChapman

We want to meet our spouses emotional needs, and we reach out to speak his love language. In so doing, his emotional love tank is filled and chances are he will reciprocate and speak our language. When he does our emotions return, and our love tank begins to fill. #GaryChapman — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 13, 2024

Only that day dawns to which we are awake. There is more day to dawn. The sun is but a morning star. #Thoreau

Only that day dawns to which we are awake. There is more day to dawn. The sun is but a morning star. #Thoreau — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 13, 2024

Traditionally, life has been divided into two main parts: a period of learning followed by a period of working. Very soon this traditional model will become utterly obsolete, and the only way for humans to stay in the game will be to keep learning... #YuvalNoahHarari

Traditionally, life has been divided into two main parts: a period of learning followed by a period of working. Very soon this traditional model will become utterly obsolete, and the only way for humans to stay in the game will be to keep learning... #YuvalNoahHarari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 12, 2024

An oak tree is an oak tree. That is all it has to do. If an oak tree is less than an oak tree, then we are all in trouble. #ThichNhatHanh

An oak tree is an oak tree. That is all it has to do. If an oak tree is less than an oak tree, then we are all in trouble. #ThichNhatHanh — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 12, 2024

Learning self-control is important, but it's equally important to grow up in an environment where adults are consistently present and trustworthy. #BrianChristian

Learning self-control is important, but it's equally important to grow up in an environment where adults are consistently present and trustworthy. #BrianChristian — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 12, 2024

It's not an accident that architecture that sets out to create a contemplative and serene atmosphere can easily get labelled 'monastic', though in truth there's nothing inherently religious or Christian about the pursuit of calm. #TheSchoolOfLife

It's not an accident that architecture that sets out to create a contemplative and serene atmosphere can easily get labelled 'monastic', though in truth there's nothing inherently religious or Christian about the pursuit of calm. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 12, 2024

Passionate love is the love you fall into [...] companionate love, in contrast, as the affection we feel for those with whom our lives are deeply intertwined. #JonathanHaidt

Passionate love is the love you fall into [...] companionate love, in contrast, as the affection we feel for those with whom our lives are deeply intertwined. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 12, 2024

When people are engaged in an activity they consider intrinsically worthwhile, offering them money may weaken their motivation by depreciating or crowding out their intrinsic interest or commitment. #MichaelSandel

When people are engaged in an activity they consider intrinsically worthwhile, offering them money may weaken their motivation by depreciating or crowding out their intrinsic interest or commitment. #MichaelSandel — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Nov 11, 2024

Worst of all is to set up double-binds, like telling [people] that if they notice race it is because they are racist, but if they don't notice race it's because their privilege affords them the luxury of not noticing race, which is racist. #HelenPluckrose