
Showing posts from December, 2024

The notion that the best and the brightest are better at governing than their less-credentialed fellow citizens is a myth born of meritocratic hubris. #MichaelSandel

The notion that the best and the brightest are better at governing than their less-credentialed fellow citizens is a myth born of meritocratic hubris. #MichaelSandel — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jan 1, 2025

Disagreement is what happens when love succeeds and you get to know someone close up across the full range of their life. #TheSchoolOfLife

Disagreement is what happens when love succeeds and you get to know someone close up across the full range of their life. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Jan 1, 2025

So shouldn't it stand to reason that we'd be hyper-conscious of our deepest biological incentives? And yet, most of the time, we seem almost willfully unaware of them. We all know they're there. And yet they make us uncomfortable, so we mentally flinch away. #RobinHanson

So shouldn't it stand to reason that we'd be hyper-conscious of our deepest biological incentives? And yet, most of the time, we seem almost willfully unaware of them. We all know they're there. And yet they make us uncomfortable, so we mentally flinch away. #RobinHanson — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 31, 2024

Japanese, German and Italian economic miracles of the post-1945 era. In all these cases economic prosperity and geopolitical clout were achieved without firing a shot. #YuvalNoahHarari

Japanese, German and Italian economic miracles of the post-1945 era. In all these cases economic prosperity and geopolitical clout were achieved without firing a shot. #YuvalNoahHarari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 31, 2024

If you have reasons to love someone, you don't love them. #SlavojZizek

If you have reasons to love someone, you don't love them. #SlavojZizek — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 31, 2024

Who knows what women can be when they are finally free to become themselves? Who knows what women's intelligence will contribute when it can be nourished without denying love? #BettyFriedan

Who knows what women can be when they are finally free to become themselves? Who knows what women's intelligence will contribute when it can be nourished without denying love? #BettyFriedan — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 31, 2024

This gap in understanding between books and screens is big enough that in elementary-school children, it's the equivalent of two-thirds of a year's growth in reading comprehension. #JohannHari

This gap in understanding between books and screens is big enough that in elementary-school children, it's the equivalent of two-thirds of a year's growth in reading comprehension. #JohannHari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 31, 2024

Although it might belong to Socrates and other minds of the like craft to acquire virtue by reason, the human race would long since have ceased to be, had its preservation depended only on the reasonings of the individuals composing it. #JeanJacquesRousseau

Although it might belong to Socrates and other minds of the like craft to acquire virtue by reason, the human race would long since have ceased to be, had its preservation depended only on the reasonings of the individuals composing it. #JeanJacquesRousseau — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 30, 2024

We hinder the cause of human rights if we chastise anyone who points out humanitarian abuses as imperialist or racist. #HelenPluckrose

We hinder the cause of human rights if we chastise anyone who points out humanitarian abuses as imperialist or racist. #HelenPluckrose — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 30, 2024

Since the dawn of civilization, getting in-laws has been one of marriage's most important functions. #StephanieCoontz

Since the dawn of civilization, getting in-laws has been one of marriage's most important functions. #StephanieCoontz — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 30, 2024

Step-by-step, year-by-year, the world is improving. Not on every single measure every single year, but as a rule. Though the world faces huge challenges, we have made tremendous progress. This is the fact-based worldview. #HansRosling

Step-by-step, year-by-year, the world is improving. Not on every single measure every single year, but as a rule. Though the world faces huge challenges, we have made tremendous progress. This is the fact-based worldview. #HansRosling — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 30, 2024

[Evidence shows] people who hold pervasive positive illusions about themselves, their abilities, and their future prospects are mentally healthier, happier, and better liked [...] But such biases can make people feel that they deserve more than they do... #JonathanHaidt

[Evidence shows] people who hold pervasive positive illusions about themselves, their abilities, and their future prospects are mentally healthier, happier, and better liked [...] But such biases can make people feel that they deserve more than they do... #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 30, 2024

...start with a thirty-second reminder to be the best person we can be, to not attach our emotional well-being to things outside of us, to watch out for known trouble spots; likewise, we can round up the day with a brief a look back at how we behaved... #DerrenBrown

...start with a thirty-second reminder to be the best person we can be, to not attach our emotional well-being to things outside of us, to watch out for known trouble spots; likewise, we can round up the day with a brief a look back at how we behaved... #DerrenBrown — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 29, 2024

Wear your learning like your watch, in a private pocket; and do not pull it out, and strike it, merely to show that you have one. #LordChesterfield

Wear your learning like your watch, in a private pocket; and do not pull it out, and strike it, merely to show that you have one. #LordChesterfield — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 29, 2024

But if you are a teenager today you are a lot more likely to feel inadequate. Even if the other guys at school are an ugly lot, you don't measure yourself against them but against the movie stars, athletes and supermodels you see all day on television, Facebook... #YuvalNoahHar…

But if you are a teenager today you are a lot more likely to feel inadequate. Even if the other guys at school are an ugly lot, you don't measure yourself against them but against the movie stars, athletes and supermodels you see all day on television, Facebook... #YuvalNoahHar… — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 29, 2024

Justice: Citizenship, Fairness, Leadership #JonathanHaidt

Justice: Citizenship, Fairness, Leadership #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 29, 2024

Work at its best, then, is about connection, engagement, and commitment. As the poet Kahlil Gibran said, Work is love made visible. #JonathanHaidt

Work at its best, then, is about connection, engagement, and commitment. As the poet Kahlil Gibran said, Work is love made visible. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 29, 2024

We may believe we are seeking happiness in love, but what we are really after is familiarity. #TheSchoolOfLife

We may believe we are seeking happiness in love, but what we are really after is familiarity. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 28, 2024

In a state of flow, however, maintaining focused attention on these absorbing activities requires no exertion of self-control, thereby freeing resources to be directed to the task at hand. #DanielKahneman

In a state of flow, however, maintaining focused attention on these absorbing activities requires no exertion of self-control, thereby freeing resources to be directed to the task at hand. #DanielKahneman — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 28, 2024

Without proper training, parents almost always revert to efforts at coercion, which often lead to arguments, loss of temper, and perhaps, verbal abuse. Such behavior is emotionally devastating to the teenager whose primary love language is words of affirmation. #GaryChapman

Without proper training, parents almost always revert to efforts at coercion, which often lead to arguments, loss of temper, and perhaps, verbal abuse. Such behavior is emotionally devastating to the teenager whose primary love language is words of affirmation. #GaryChapman — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 27, 2024

...we surrendered our freedom for very sound reasons, because we realised that we had found someone who was--in the end--about as good as any decent human can ever be expected to be. We are often unhappy, of course, but that is a universal law, not a unique curse #TheSchoolOfLife

...we surrendered our freedom for very sound reasons, because we realised that we had found someone who was--in the end--about as good as any decent human can ever be expected to be. We are often unhappy, of course, but that is a universal law, not a unique curse #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 27, 2024

History is often shaped by small groups of forward-looking innovators rather than by the backward-looking masses. [10,000] years ago most people were hunter-gatherers and only a few pioneers in the Middle East were farmers. Yet the future belonged to the farmers. #YuvalNoahHarari

History is often shaped by small groups of forward-looking innovators rather than by the backward-looking masses. [10,000] years ago most people were hunter-gatherers and only a few pioneers in the Middle East were farmers. Yet the future belonged to the farmers. #YuvalNoahHarari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 27, 2024

Want to know how super-intelligent cyborgs might treat ordinary flesh-and-blood humans? Better start by investigating how humans treat their less intelligent animal cousins. It's not a perfect analogy, [sure], but it is the best archetype we can actually observe #YuvalNoahHarari

Want to know how super-intelligent cyborgs might treat ordinary flesh-and-blood humans? Better start by investigating how humans treat their less intelligent animal cousins. It's not a perfect analogy, [sure], but it is the best archetype we can actually observe #YuvalNoahHarari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 27, 2024

The way to greater confidence isn't to reassure ourselves of our own dignity; it's to grow at peace with the inevitable nature of our ridiculousness. We are idiots now, we have been idiots in the past, and we will be idiots again in the future--and that is OK. #AlaindeBotton

The way to greater confidence isn't to reassure ourselves of our own dignity; it's to grow at peace with the inevitable nature of our ridiculousness. We are idiots now, we have been idiots in the past, and we will be idiots again in the future--and that is OK. #AlaindeBotton — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 27, 2024

Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it. #HarukiMurakami

Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it. #HarukiMurakami — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 27, 2024

War is a matter not so much of arms as of money. #Thucydides

War is a matter not so much of arms as of money. #Thucydides — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 26, 2024

People gain a sense of meaning when their lives cohere across the three levels of their existence. #JonathanHaidt

People gain a sense of meaning when their lives cohere across the three levels of their existence. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 26, 2024

Hating ourselves is the easy bit. Learning to give ourselves a break is the true, rare and properly adult achievement. #TheSchoolOfLife

Hating ourselves is the easy bit. Learning to give ourselves a break is the true, rare and properly adult achievement. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 26, 2024

Failure was a major contributor to its success. #PaulArden

Failure was a major contributor to its success. #PaulArden — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 26, 2024

Judgmentalism is indeed a disease of the mind: it leads to anger, torment, and conflict. But it is also the mind's normal condition--[...] always evaluating, always saying Like it or Don't like it. #JonathanHaidt

Judgmentalism is indeed a disease of the mind: it leads to anger, torment, and conflict. But it is also the mind's normal condition--[...] always evaluating, always saying Like it or Don't like it. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 26, 2024

Life is a progress from want to want, not from enjoyment to enjoyment. #SamuelJohnson

Life is a progress from want to want, not from enjoyment to enjoyment. #SamuelJohnson — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 25, 2024

...actual lives are longitudinal and relational. Actual lives are lived out amid a thousand different influences that interact in a million different ways over time. #DavidBrooks

...actual lives are longitudinal and relational. Actual lives are lived out amid a thousand different influences that interact in a million different ways over time. #DavidBrooks — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 25, 2024

Naked lions are just as dangerous as elegantly dressed ones #SusanCain

Naked lions are just as dangerous as elegantly dressed ones #SusanCain — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 25, 2024

Love is not a feeling; it is a way of behaving. #GaryChapman

Love is not a feeling; it is a way of behaving. #GaryChapman — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 25, 2024

In other words, to get the most out of your time and money, timing matters. So to increase your overall lifetime fulfillment, it's important to have each experience at the right age. #BillPerkins

In other words, to get the most out of your time and money, timing matters. So to increase your overall lifetime fulfillment, it's important to have each experience at the right age. #BillPerkins — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 25, 2024

College graduates and women with higher earnings are now more likely to marry than women with less education and lower wages, although they generally marry at an older age. The legal profession is one big exception to this generalization. #StephanieCoontz

College graduates and women with higher earnings are now more likely to marry than women with less education and lower wages, although they generally marry at an older age. The legal profession is one big exception to this generalization. #StephanieCoontz — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 25, 2024

...perfect equality can only be imagined under a system of extreme despotism, but despotism itself presupposes inequality at least in such basic advantages as participation in power and access to information. #LeszekKolakowski

...perfect equality can only be imagined under a system of extreme despotism, but despotism itself presupposes inequality at least in such basic advantages as participation in power and access to information. #LeszekKolakowski — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 24, 2024

This individualistic ethos, which has sometimes been called 'selfism,' was pumped into the boomers with their breast milk, and will be drained from every cavity by their morticians. It is an empancipation narrative. #DavidBrooks

This individualistic ethos, which has sometimes been called 'selfism,' was pumped into the boomers with their breast milk, and will be drained from every cavity by their morticians. It is an empancipation narrative. #DavidBrooks — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 24, 2024

But it is far more important that we allow developing countries to use protection, subsidies, and regulation of foreign investment adequately in order to develop their own economies, rather than giving them bigger agricultural markets overseas. #HaJoonChang

But it is far more important that we allow developing countries to use protection, subsidies, and regulation of foreign investment adequately in order to develop their own economies, rather than giving them bigger agricultural markets overseas. #HaJoonChang — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 24, 2024

For adults, the biggest rush of oxytocin--other than giving birth and nursing--comes from sex. Sexual activity, especially if it includes cuddling, extended touching, and orgasms, turns on many of the same circuits that are used to bond infants and parents. #JonathanHaidt

For adults, the biggest rush of oxytocin--other than giving birth and nursing--comes from sex. Sexual activity, especially if it includes cuddling, extended touching, and orgasms, turns on many of the same circuits that are used to bond infants and parents. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 24, 2024

Markets don't wag fingers. They don't discriminate between admirable preferences and base ones. Each party to a deal decides for himself or herself what value to place on the things being exchanged. #MichaelSandel

Markets don't wag fingers. They don't discriminate between admirable preferences and base ones. Each party to a deal decides for himself or herself what value to place on the things being exchanged. #MichaelSandel — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 24, 2024

[Our struggle is to end] a system in which we are asked to believe--based on salaries paid--that the star athlete who helps a billionaire team owner increase his bottom line is worth more than a thousand teachers who help children escape poverty. #BernieSanders

[Our struggle is to end] a system in which we are asked to believe--based on salaries paid--that the star athlete who helps a billionaire team owner increase his bottom line is worth more than a thousand teachers who help children escape poverty. #BernieSanders — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 23, 2024

['01 Nobel Prize] was awarded to economist Michael Spence for a mathematical model of one explanation for these puzzles: signaling. The basic idea is that students go to school not so much to learn useful job skills as to show their work potential to future employers #KevinSimler

['01 Nobel Prize] was awarded to economist Michael Spence for a mathematical model of one explanation for these puzzles: signaling. The basic idea is that students go to school not so much to learn useful job skills as to show their work potential to future employers #KevinSimler — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 23, 2024

Straight people are rarely treated like they're close-minded for knowing their sexual orientation, but [asexual people] are assumed to be unsure and always on the brink of finding the person who will change everything. #AngelaChen

Straight people are rarely treated like they're close-minded for knowing their sexual orientation, but [asexual people] are assumed to be unsure and always on the brink of finding the person who will change everything. #AngelaChen — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 23, 2024

...for, seeming to avail [the prince] himself only of his rights, he finds it very easy to extend them, and to prevent, under the pretext of keeping the peace, assemblies that are destined to the re-establishment of order #JeanJacquesRousseau

...for, seeming to avail [the prince] himself only of his rights, he finds it very easy to extend them, and to prevent, under the pretext of keeping the peace, assemblies that are destined to the re-establishment of order #JeanJacquesRousseau — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 23, 2024

A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections--a mere heart of stone. #CharlesDarwin

A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections--a mere heart of stone. #CharlesDarwin — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 23, 2024

On average, we spend one hour a day getting our news fix. Added up over a lifetime, that's three years. #RutgerBregman

On average, we spend one hour a day getting our news fix. Added up over a lifetime, that's three years. #RutgerBregman — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 22, 2024

My actions are my only true belongings. #ThichNhatHanh

My actions are my only true belongings. #ThichNhatHanh — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 22, 2024

But if you release ambition you can use all of life, good and bad, as fuel for the fires of joy. Because you demand nothing you have everything, as do your children. #WilliamMartin

But if you release ambition you can use all of life, good and bad, as fuel for the fires of joy. Because you demand nothing you have everything, as do your children. #WilliamMartin — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 22, 2024

You are the only variable in the situation you have control over. #RobertKolker

You are the only variable in the situation you have control over. #RobertKolker — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 22, 2024

All our life, so far as it has definite form, is but a mass of habits, William James wrote in 1892. #CharlesDuhigg

All our life, so far as it has definite form, is but a mass of habits, William James wrote in 1892. #CharlesDuhigg — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 22, 2024

...earning and earning while forgetting that your whole point in earning money is to be able to spend it on the experiences that make your life what it is. #BillPerkins

...earning and earning while forgetting that your whole point in earning money is to be able to spend it on the experiences that make your life what it is. #BillPerkins — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 21, 2024

No matter how many options we seem to have on our screens, we should be careful not to lose track of the human beings behind them. We're better off spending quality time getting to know actual people than spending hours with our devices, seeing who else is out there. #AzizAnsari

No matter how many options we seem to have on our screens, we should be careful not to lose track of the human beings behind them. We're better off spending quality time getting to know actual people than spending hours with our devices, seeing who else is out there. #AzizAnsari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 21, 2024

What gave Homo sapiens an edge over all other animals and turned us into the masters of the planet was not our individual rationality but our unparalleled ability to think together in large groups. #YuvalNoahHarari

What gave Homo sapiens an edge over all other animals and turned us into the masters of the planet was not our individual rationality but our unparalleled ability to think together in large groups. #YuvalNoahHarari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 21, 2024

It is not death that the very old tell me they fear. It is what happens short of death--losing their hearing, their memory, their best friends, their way of life. Philip Roth put it more bitterly in his novel Everyman: Old age is not a battle. Old age is a massacre. #AtulGawande

It is not death that the very old tell me they fear. It is what happens short of death--losing their hearing, their memory, their best friends, their way of life. Philip Roth put it more bitterly in his novel Everyman: Old age is not a battle. Old age is a massacre. #AtulGawande — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 21, 2024

There's joy in a life filled with interdependence with others, in a life filled with gratitude, reverence, and admiration. #DavidBrooks

There's joy in a life filled with interdependence with others, in a life filled with gratitude, reverence, and admiration. #DavidBrooks — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 21, 2024

...perhaps we hear that a casual acquaintance thinks that [our spouse] are fascinating and elegant and--mixed in with a dose of jealous irritation--via this potential rival's eye, we see again all that we could conceivably lose. #TheSchoolOfLife

...perhaps we hear that a casual acquaintance thinks that [our spouse] are fascinating and elegant and--mixed in with a dose of jealous irritation--via this potential rival's eye, we see again all that we could conceivably lose. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 21, 2024

We may be foolish, but this doesn't single us out as particularly awful or unusual; it only confirms that we belong to the human race, a fact for which we deserve limitless sympathy and compassion. #TheSchoolOfLife

We may be foolish, but this doesn't single us out as particularly awful or unusual; it only confirms that we belong to the human race, a fact for which we deserve limitless sympathy and compassion. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 20, 2024

Success is the product of daily habits--not once-in-a-lifetime transformations. #JamesClear

Success is the product of daily habits--not once-in-a-lifetime transformations. #JamesClear — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 20, 2024

The earth left to its own natural fertility and covered with immense woods, that no hatchet ever disfigured, offers at every step food and shelter to every species of animals. Men, dispersed among them, observe and imitate their industry... #JeanJacquesRousseau

The earth left to its own natural fertility and covered with immense woods, that no hatchet ever disfigured, offers at every step food and shelter to every species of animals. Men, dispersed among them, observe and imitate their industry... #JeanJacquesRousseau — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 20, 2024

Hard to focus on a conversation, especially when it is mathematical, when you have just personally earned several hundreds of times the annual salary of the researcher trying to tell you that you are wrong, by betting against his representation of the world #NassimNicholasTaleb

Hard to focus on a conversation, especially when it is mathematical, when you have just personally earned several hundreds of times the annual salary of the researcher trying to tell you that you are wrong, by betting against his representation of the world #NassimNicholasTaleb — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 20, 2024

Nowhere is the sky so blue, the grass so green, the sunshine so bright, the shade so welcome, as right here, now, today. #LuluMiller

Nowhere is the sky so blue, the grass so green, the sunshine so bright, the shade so welcome, as right here, now, today. #LuluMiller — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 20, 2024

But the more often the choice fell upon old men, the more often elections had to be repeated, and the more they became a nuisance; intrigues set in, factions were formed, party feeling grew bitter, civil wars broke out [...] relapsing into their primitive anarchy. #Rousseau

But the more often the choice fell upon old men, the more often elections had to be repeated, and the more they became a nuisance; intrigues set in, factions were formed, party feeling grew bitter, civil wars broke out [...] relapsing into their primitive anarchy. #Rousseau — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 20, 2024

I've just become aware that for thirty-six years, I was angry with your father for not meeting my needs, and now I realize that I never once clearly told him what I needed. #MarshallRosenberg

I've just become aware that for thirty-six years, I was angry with your father for not meeting my needs, and now I realize that I never once clearly told him what I needed. #MarshallRosenberg — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 19, 2024

Woe to the statesman whose arguments for entering a war are not as convincing at its end as they were at the beginning, Bismarck had cautioned. #HenryKissinger

Woe to the statesman whose arguments for entering a war are not as convincing at its end as they were at the beginning, Bismarck had cautioned. #HenryKissinger — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 19, 2024

There is no reason that all human existences should be constructed on some one, or some small number of patterns. #JohnStuartMill

There is no reason that all human existences should be constructed on some one, or some small number of patterns. #JohnStuartMill — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 19, 2024

Therefore the misfortune which comes to man as a result of the fact that he was a child is that his freedom was first concealed from him and that all his life he will be nostalgic for the time when he did not know it's exigencies. #SimonedeBeauvoir

Therefore the misfortune which comes to man as a result of the fact that he was a child is that his freedom was first concealed from him and that all his life he will be nostalgic for the time when he did not know it's exigencies. #SimonedeBeauvoir — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 19, 2024

Freedom is not having more brands of cereal to choose from... That is variety. And in a vacuum, variety is meaningless. If you are trapped by insecurity, stymied by doubt, and hamstrung by intolerance, you can have all the variety in the world. But you are not free. #MarkManson

Freedom is not having more brands of cereal to choose from... That is variety. And in a vacuum, variety is meaningless. If you are trapped by insecurity, stymied by doubt, and hamstrung by intolerance, you can have all the variety in the world. But you are not free. #MarkManson — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 19, 2024

[Google, Twitter and Facebook] now have the power not just to direct what most people in the world know, think and say, but have a business model which has accurately been described as relying on finding 'customers ready to pay to modify someone else's behaviour'. #DouglasMurray

[Google, Twitter and Facebook] now have the power not just to direct what most people in the world know, think and say, but have a business model which has accurately been described as relying on finding 'customers ready to pay to modify someone else's behaviour'. #DouglasMurray — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 19, 2024

Realpolitik for Bismarck depended on flexibility and on the ability to exploit every available option without the constraint of ideology. #HenryKissinger

Realpolitik for Bismarck depended on flexibility and on the ability to exploit every available option without the constraint of ideology. #HenryKissinger — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 18, 2024

Yet they believe blindly in the stock market, and in the abilities of their pension plan manager. Why do they do so? Because they accept that this is what people should do with their savings, because experts tell them so. #NassimNicholasTaleb

Yet they believe blindly in the stock market, and in the abilities of their pension plan manager. Why do they do so? Because they accept that this is what people should do with their savings, because experts tell them so. #NassimNicholasTaleb — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 18, 2024

...the institutions behave as though they were designed to achieve other, unacknowledged goals. #RobinHanson

...the institutions behave as though they were designed to achieve other, unacknowledged goals. #RobinHanson — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 18, 2024

We live in a culture that tells us we want and deserve the best, and now we have the technology to get #AzizAnsari

We live in a culture that tells us we want and deserve the best, and now we have the technology to get #AzizAnsari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 18, 2024

Men have more freedom and power than women, yet they are not on average any happier (Women experience more depression, but also more intense joy). #JonathanHaidt

Men have more freedom and power than women, yet they are not on average any happier (Women experience more depression, but also more intense joy). #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 18, 2024

What man loses by the social contract is his natural liberty and an unlimited right to everything he tries to get and succeeds in getting; what he gains is civil liberty and the proprietorship of all he possesses #JeanJacquesRousseau

What man loses by the social contract is his natural liberty and an unlimited right to everything he tries to get and succeeds in getting; what he gains is civil liberty and the proprietorship of all he possesses #JeanJacquesRousseau — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 17, 2024

It is true that many women are inhibited and perhaps do not yet know it. It is not true that inside everyone unwilling to try a threesome is a freak desperate to let her flag fly. Perhaps there is no flag. #AngelaChen

It is true that many women are inhibited and perhaps do not yet know it. It is not true that inside everyone unwilling to try a threesome is a freak desperate to let her flag fly. Perhaps there is no flag. #AngelaChen — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 17, 2024

[If money is the life purpose], then it is indeed possible that having a child will constitute a 'penalty' [but if the woman] chooses to pay that 'penalty' she might be fortunate enough to engage in the most important and fulfilling role that a human being can have #DouglasMurray

[If money is the life purpose], then it is indeed possible that having a child will constitute a 'penalty' [but if the woman] chooses to pay that 'penalty' she might be fortunate enough to engage in the most important and fulfilling role that a human being can have #DouglasMurray — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 17, 2024

Meaning and authority always go hand in hand. Whoever determines the meaning of our actions--whether they are good or evil, right or wrong, beautiful or ugly--also gains the authority to tell us what to think and how to behave. #YuvalNoahHarari

Meaning and authority always go hand in hand. Whoever determines the meaning of our actions--whether they are good or evil, right or wrong, beautiful or ugly--also gains the authority to tell us what to think and how to behave. #YuvalNoahHarari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 17, 2024

If Singapore does not take in immigrants and foreign workers, Singapore country would tank. #LeeKuanYew

If Singapore does not take in immigrants and foreign workers, Singapore country would tank. #LeeKuanYew — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 17, 2024

Social man lives always outside himself; he knows how to live only in the opinion of others, it is, so to speak, from their judgement alone that he derives the sense of his own existence. #JeanJacquesRousseau

Social man lives always outside himself; he knows how to live only in the opinion of others, it is, so to speak, from their judgement alone that he derives the sense of his own existence. #JeanJacquesRousseau — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 16, 2024

The controlled system allows people to think about long-term goals and thereby escape the tyranny of the here-and-now, the automatic triggering of temptation by the sight of tempting objects. #JonathanHaidt

The controlled system allows people to think about long-term goals and thereby escape the tyranny of the here-and-now, the automatic triggering of temptation by the sight of tempting objects. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 16, 2024

Perhaps the most courageous act of any parent's life will be that moment when, even though it breaks your heart, you stand aside and let your children take the natural consequences of their actions. #WilliamMartin

Perhaps the most courageous act of any parent's life will be that moment when, even though it breaks your heart, you stand aside and let your children take the natural consequences of their actions. #WilliamMartin — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 16, 2024

It is not enough to be busy... The question is: what are we busy about? #HenryDavidThoreau

It is not enough to be busy... The question is: what are we busy about? #HenryDavidThoreau — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 16, 2024

...we [the US] really do not have a health care system--like most modern industrialized countries do. What we have is a non-system that is enormously complex, bureaucratic, and fragmented. It leaves parents bewildered and caregivers frustrated. #BernieSanders

...we [the US] really do not have a health care system--like most modern industrialized countries do. What we have is a non-system that is enormously complex, bureaucratic, and fragmented. It leaves parents bewildered and caregivers frustrated. #BernieSanders — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 16, 2024

What we typically call love is only the start of love. #AlaindeBotton

What we typically call love is only the start of love. #AlaindeBotton — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 16, 2024

It wasn't God that mattered, the researchers figured out. It was belief itself that made a difference. #CharlesDuhigg

It wasn't God that mattered, the researchers figured out. It was belief itself that made a difference. #CharlesDuhigg — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 15, 2024

[The modern West's fully practical, efficient, and profane world, stripping time and space of all sacredness,] is the world that religious fundamentalists find unbearable and are sometimes willing to use force against. #JonathanHaidt

[The modern West's fully practical, efficient, and profane world, stripping time and space of all sacredness,] is the world that religious fundamentalists find unbearable and are sometimes willing to use force against. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 15, 2024

The decline in spending over time was even more acute for retirees with more than 1 million in assets, according to separate research conducted by J.P. Morgan Asset Management, which analyzed data from more than half a million of its customers. #BillPerkins

The decline in spending over time was even more acute for retirees with more than 1 million in assets, according to separate research conducted by J.P. Morgan Asset Management, which analyzed data from more than half a million of its customers. #BillPerkins — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 15, 2024

I then completely gave up reading newspapers and watching television, which freed up a considerable amount of time (say one hour or more a day, enough time to read more than [100] additional books per year, which, after a couple of decades, starts mounting). #NassimNicholasTaleb

I then completely gave up reading newspapers and watching television, which freed up a considerable amount of time (say one hour or more a day, enough time to read more than [100] additional books per year, which, after a couple of decades, starts mounting). #NassimNicholasTaleb — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 15, 2024

What is more important for us, at an elemental level, than the control, the owning and operation, of our own physical selves? And yet it is so automatic, so familiar, we never give it a thought. #OliverSacks

What is more important for us, at an elemental level, than the control, the owning and operation, of our own physical selves? And yet it is so automatic, so familiar, we never give it a thought. #OliverSacks — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 15, 2024

The sole field trip in my digital design class is simply a hike, and sometimes I have my students sit outside and do nothing for fifteen minutes. I realizing that these are my ways of insisting on doing something. #JennyOdell

The sole field trip in my digital design class is simply a hike, and sometimes I have my students sit outside and do nothing for fifteen minutes. I realizing that these are my ways of insisting on doing something. #JennyOdell — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 14, 2024

Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world? #SteveJobs

Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world? #SteveJobs — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 14, 2024

Thus discernment, artistic or otherwise, is a critical skill, and yet it can be something we take for granted, in part because we do it so effortlessly. #KevinSimler

Thus discernment, artistic or otherwise, is a critical skill, and yet it can be something we take for granted, in part because we do it so effortlessly. #KevinSimler — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 14, 2024

Shame corrodes the very part of us that believes we are capable of change. #BreneBrown

Shame corrodes the very part of us that believes we are capable of change. #BreneBrown — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 14, 2024

As the applicant pool grows, the exact place to draw the line between looking and leaping settles to 37% of the pool, yielding the 37% Rule: look at the first 37% of the applicants,* choosing none, then be ready to leap for anyone better than all those you've seen so far.

As the applicant pool grows, the exact place to draw the line between looking and leaping settles to 37% of the pool, yielding the 37% Rule: look at the first 37% of the applicants,* choosing none, then be ready to leap for anyone better than all those you've seen so far. — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 14, 2024

Robert Merton, one of the first sociologists to analyze ambivalence, suggested that it may result from conflicting normative expectations within a role, but that such contradictions do not necessarily undermine this role. #EvaIllouz

Robert Merton, one of the first sociologists to analyze ambivalence, suggested that it may result from conflicting normative expectations within a role, but that such contradictions do not necessarily undermine this role. #EvaIllouz — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 13, 2024

[By 'nationalism'] I mean the habit of identifying oneself with a single nation or other unit, placing it beyond good and evil and recognising no other duty than that of advancing its interests. #GeorgeOrwell

[By 'nationalism'] I mean the habit of identifying oneself with a single nation or other unit, placing it beyond good and evil and recognising no other duty than that of advancing its interests. #GeorgeOrwell — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 13, 2024

We are creatures deeply marked by our expectations. We go around with mental pictures, lodged in our brains, of how things are supposed to go. #TheSchoolOfLife

We are creatures deeply marked by our expectations. We go around with mental pictures, lodged in our brains, of how things are supposed to go. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 13, 2024

Interrogating: When did this begin? Explaining: I would have called but ... Correcting: That's not how it happened. #MarshallRosenberg

Interrogating: When did this begin? Explaining: I would have called but ... Correcting: That's not how it happened. #MarshallRosenberg — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 13, 2024

When community standards are enforced, there is constraint and cooperation. When everyone minds his own business and looks the other way, there is freedom and anomie. #JonathanHaidt

When community standards are enforced, there is constraint and cooperation. When everyone minds his own business and looks the other way, there is freedom and anomie. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 13, 2024

A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. #CharlesDarwin

A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. #CharlesDarwin — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 13, 2024

Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement #JamesClear

Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement #JamesClear — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 12, 2024

I have no physical symptoms, but psychologically there's this burden. I've got to get rid of it somehow. [...] It takes positive thinking to overcome fear, otherwise you'll carry around this victim mentality forever. #HarukiMurakami

I have no physical symptoms, but psychologically there's this burden. I've got to get rid of it somehow. [...] It takes positive thinking to overcome fear, otherwise you'll carry around this victim mentality forever. #HarukiMurakami — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 12, 2024

If you can engage your strengths, you'll find more gratification in work; if you find gratification, you'll shift into a more positive, approach-oriented mindset; and in such a mindset it will be easier for you to see the bigger picture #JonathanHaidt

If you can engage your strengths, you'll find more gratification in work; if you find gratification, you'll shift into a more positive, approach-oriented mindset; and in such a mindset it will be easier for you to see the bigger picture #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 12, 2024

Nothing in life is as important as you think it is, while you are thinking about it. #DanielKahneman

Nothing in life is as important as you think it is, while you are thinking about it. #DanielKahneman — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 12, 2024

Qualities we admire don't just belong to one specific, attractive life. They can be pursued in lesser, weaker but still real doses in countless other places, opening up the possibility of creating more manageable and more realistic versions of the lives we desire #TheSchoolOfLife

Qualities we admire don't just belong to one specific, attractive life. They can be pursued in lesser, weaker but still real doses in countless other places, opening up the possibility of creating more manageable and more realistic versions of the lives we desire #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 12, 2024

The fistula patient is the modern-day leper. #RuthKennedy

The fistula patient is the modern-day leper. #RuthKennedy — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 12, 2024

Whereas many people just accept the ready-made answers provided by the powers that be, spiritual seekers are not so easily satisfied. They are determined to follow the big question wherever it leads, and not just to places you know well or wish to visit. #YuvalNoahHarari

Whereas many people just accept the ready-made answers provided by the powers that be, spiritual seekers are not so easily satisfied. They are determined to follow the big question wherever it leads, and not just to places you know well or wish to visit. #YuvalNoahHarari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 11, 2024

One day, China will regret its one-child policy. #LeeKuanYew

One day, China will regret its one-child policy. #LeeKuanYew — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 11, 2024

However many songs celebrate the act, it is no particular feat to love someone who is on their best behaviour, who looks beautiful and who moves with grace through the world. #TheSchoolOfLife

However many songs celebrate the act, it is no particular feat to love someone who is on their best behaviour, who looks beautiful and who moves with grace through the world. #TheSchoolOfLife — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 11, 2024

While reunification is their long-term desire and eventual goal, the South Koreans have decided that the economic costs of a Korea reunited overnight--say, by mutual agreement--will be so horrendous to the South that it is preferable to delay it for the time being. #LeeKuanYew

While reunification is their long-term desire and eventual goal, the South Koreans have decided that the economic costs of a Korea reunited overnight--say, by mutual agreement--will be so horrendous to the South that it is preferable to delay it for the time being. #LeeKuanYew — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 11, 2024

Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. Stop wasting your money on conspicuous consumption. As a first step, work less, earn less, accumulate less, and consume more family time, vacations, and other enjoyable activities. #JonathanHaidt

Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. Stop wasting your money on conspicuous consumption. As a first step, work less, earn less, accumulate less, and consume more family time, vacations, and other enjoyable activities. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 10, 2024

One of the greatest gifts we can offer people is to embody nonattachment and nonfear. This is a true teaching, more precious than money or material resources. Many of us are very afraid, and this fear distorts our lives and makes us unhappy. #ThichNhatHanh

One of the greatest gifts we can offer people is to embody nonattachment and nonfear. This is a true teaching, more precious than money or material resources. Many of us are very afraid, and this fear distorts our lives and makes us unhappy. #ThichNhatHanh — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 10, 2024

We can recalibrate our expectations and demand a little less than we normally do; we're slower to anger and a bit more aware of unrealised potential. #AlaindeBotton

We can recalibrate our expectations and demand a little less than we normally do; we're slower to anger and a bit more aware of unrealised potential. #AlaindeBotton — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Dec 10, 2024