
Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth. #Thoreau

Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth. #Thoreau — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Mar 26, 2025

We should not expect individuals to produce good, open-minded, truth-seeking reasoning, particularly when self-interest or reputational concerns are in play. #JonathanHaidt

We should not expect individuals to produce good, open-minded, truth-seeking reasoning, particularly when self-interest or reputational concerns are in play. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Mar 26, 2025

I think everyone who cares about education should remember that the American motto of e pluribus, unum (from many, one) has two parts. The celebration of pluribus should be balanced by policies that strengthen the unum. #JonathanHaidt

I think everyone who cares about education should remember that the American motto of e pluribus, unum (from many, one) has two parts. The celebration of pluribus should be balanced by policies that strengthen the unum. #JonathanHaidt — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Mar 25, 2025

...if morality is a set of adaptations for cooperation, we today are moral beings only because our morally minded ancestors outcompeted their less morally minded neighbors. #JoshuaGreene

...if morality is a set of adaptations for cooperation, we today are moral beings only because our morally minded ancestors outcompeted their less morally minded neighbors. #JoshuaGreene — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Mar 25, 2025

There is one other possibility to explain the oddity of the Enlightenment thinkers ending up so prominently in the firing line of our era. And that is this: The European Enlightenments were the greatest leap forward for the concept of objective truth #DouglasMurray

There is one other possibility to explain the oddity of the Enlightenment thinkers ending up so prominently in the firing line of our era. And that is this: The European Enlightenments were the greatest leap forward for the concept of objective truth #DouglasMurray — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Mar 25, 2025

I can bear any pain as long as it has meaning. #HarukiMurakami

I can bear any pain as long as it has meaning. #HarukiMurakami — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Mar 25, 2025

This kind of rigor goes into a lot of my decision making. Whether it's where I'm eating, where I'm traveling, or, god forbid, something I'm buying, I feel compelled to do a lot of research to make sure I'm getting the best. #AzizAnsari

This kind of rigor goes into a lot of my decision making. Whether it's where I'm eating, where I'm traveling, or, god forbid, something I'm buying, I feel compelled to do a lot of research to make sure I'm getting the best. #AzizAnsari — English Quotes (@english_quotes) Mar 25, 2025